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Any thoughts about the Robinson curriculum. Does anyone use this?

T Baer

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This is going to sound weird, but my DH got all fired up about HS'ing before we even had kids. He went and bought the RC to review it, thinking it'd be a great way to approach HS'ing. Between that time and the time we had kids that became school aged, we'd read more and found the WTM and simply followed it. I recently tried to look at the RC we have, and it wouldn't load b/c it's a version that wasn't meant for our current PC!! Oh well....


I'll be interested to see what others say about it....


- Stacey in MA

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I have looked into it seriously at times when I was frustrated with how much help my kids need, since it encourages that the kids do their work basically independently. If they don't understand their math, they sit there till they do.

The Robinson kids work 6 days a week, no TV, on a farm with many chores, no sugar. Its a specific lifestyle that is recommended along with the program.

Each time i have looked into it I have come away feeling actually one of the reasons I homeschool is to study and learn with my children, to help them, to teach them at times. They eat sugar. They watch movies. We are not isolated or live on a farm. I am not sure if the results the Robinsons get a dependent on their whole circumstance or not, but i suspect they are to some extent.

It does appeal to me though. Woulndt it be great to just buy the CDs and not have to think about anything again, just follow the schedule and do what they recommend and get the same results. In real life, I think most people tweak it considerably and adapt it to their situations.

In the end, its not for me.

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I love it!! It has turned my reluctant readers into lovers of reading.

This is how I do it: We do TT for math (saxon was full of tears), CLE LA, IEW and CLE Reading lessons. I am doing SOTW for History (mostly on Tues.) and they read AIG for Science on Tuesday. The other days they spend 30 minutes on vocabulary from the Robinson Book ( I keep the vocab. 1-2 books ahead of the book they are reading), I use their worksheets and make some on edhelper. They work on one lesson of vocab. for 1-2 weeks. I also have them learn to spell the words. I also have them do a Latin Chapter of vocab. per week. We are not doing other Latin this year except for the vocab. from LC 1. When all of the above is done my dc are off to read for 2 hours!!:lurk5:

They look forward to their reading time. My 10 yo ds is devoring the Rover Boys right now and can't wait to get into Tom Swift.:lol:

I highly recommend it for the books.


If you go to the website, there is a free download that will allow the program to work on the newer computers. I have had to do this for both of my computers.

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I was really interested in the Robinson curriculum. I would have loved it as a child. It is chalk-full of the types of books I read as a child. I was fortunate enough to pick up a full set of cd-roms a few years ago for $20. Alas, it does not suit my son at all...plus, I would feel the need to add a lot more to it. I'm glad I have the cd-roms...but I'm very happy with WTM as my base.

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