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What kind of umbrella?


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I'm nursing the baby down for a nap between Thanksgiving dinner preparations, and slightly bored. I thought I'd ask the Hive for Christmas gift help to pass the time. :-)


So DH doesn't want anything really big for Christmas, but I'm thinking of getting him several smaller things. One idea is a nice umbrella that would be his specifically for rainy work days. He's a lawyer and I think it would be nicer for him to not use the breaking giveaway umbrella from DS's preschool (ds is in 4th grade now) while walking into the courthouse anymore. I like the traditional long-handled black umbrellas, but then I'm not sure if a more compact one that would fit in his briefcase would be better.


So what says the Hive, elegant and traditional, or compact and practical?

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How windy is it when it rains where you are?


The compact and practical umbrella that could fit in a briefcase has been quite useless when it is windy and raining here. The umbrella would either be wind blown or flipped.


Here the umbrella stands at libraries and courthouses are for the long umbrellas. So that is what people tend to use if going to those places. What is popular here is the bubble umbrella or the golf umbrella (parent and child) to get from the car to inside the building.

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Folding. Definitely folding, and light so it can be kept tucked in the case all the time.   

If you're worried about wind, this style works very well. https://www.amazon.ca/Travel-Umbrella-Windproof-Construction-Lightweight/dp/B01IAUTFF2/ref=zg_bs_6303825011_2?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=2KDEJKEQMY9J0W4KQXDP

If you want to spend a lot of money, Daves brollies are neat. http://davekny.com/ 

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