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Seriously need some accountability on weight

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A little over a year ago I lost ALL my baby weight from my 12 children totaling like 55 lbs. Well, over last winter I put 10 back on and now that we are going into another winter I have got to get that off. Might not seem like a lot but I have to do as my clothes are too tight and there is no way I can buy more. Does anyone want to lose 10 with me or does anyone volunteer to be fierce with me until I get it off. I would really appreciate any help I can get. I just know if it doesn't come off I will be another 10 up by spring and that would be 20 lbs more. :tongue_smilie:

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A little over a year ago I lost ALL my baby weight from my 12 children totaling like 55 lbs. Well, over last winter I put 10 back on and now that we are going into another winter I have got to get that off. Might not seem like a lot but I have to do as my clothes are too tight and there is no way I can buy more. Does anyone want to lose 10 with me or does anyone volunteer to be fierce with me until I get it off. I would really appreciate any help I can get. I just know if it doesn't come off I will be another 10 up by spring and that would be 20 lbs more. :tongue_smilie:




I'm in. I just had my seventh a month ago. I don't gain a lot during pregnancy but I tend to eat like I'm preggo for too long afterwards:glare:.


What I really need is to get in shape- as in get healthy. I'm tall, so I can hide a lot...and...ahem...I'm hiding 5-10 extra easily.


What are your plans? short term goals?


I would like to be firmed up by the time my dh gets home from deployment early next year. That gives me 3 months- albeit halloween, thanksgiving, and Christmas. ;)



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Do you have a stationary bike? This is a good way to get exercise in cold weather. If you don't have 30 minutes at once, break it up and do a few minutes here and there throughout the day. If you have a 2nd story, walk up the stairs many times a day. Go to the bathroom only on the 2nd floor, for example. Take multiple trips to put laundry away, etc. Lots of little steps add up to help maintain weight.


Other tips. Fill up on salad and/or a light soup before dinner then you'll eat only a small amount of the entree. Eat apples. 3 apples a day if you can, one before each meal. The fiber fills you up and you eat less throughout the day. Try a quick blender smoothie breakfast that's high in protein and fiber. Eat unlimited amts. of beans, limit your grain to whole grains and eat only 1 cup a day. Load up on fruits, vegs. Stay away from cheese!!!


Diet books I like are: Fat Flush Plan, Fat-Burning Diet, Healthy-Heart Miracle, Eat to Live, Food for Life. These books are very different from each other in approach, but I like them all for different reasons.


These are just some ideas that I picked up, mostly from Woman's World Mag. Hope something helps.


Congratulations on your large, beautiful family:001_smile: Enjoy to the fullest and bask in your joyful bounty!

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Oh I eat lots of apples. I juice everyday. Normally 20 carrots, 1/3 yam, and 3 apples. Plus I walk everyday for 3-5 miles and a minimum of 2 with my 25lb toddler on my back. It must look way funny as I carry her on my back while pushing an empty stroller down the road. But she gets to be too much after a couple of miles and I have to dump her. Into the stroller of course.:001_smile: This way I can finish my walk of 3 or more miles. I think my biggest trouble spots are sweets. That is where I must control myself. :confused: But if I can shed 55 lbs I should be able to do 10. Boy, what's up with that.

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I'd like to lose ten more pounds.


I've been walking a lot and that's been a blessing.


Weight Watcher's meetings are part of my weekly schedule. But this time of year, I love to eat all kinds of things that aren't good for my plan. If you are watching over my shoulder, maybe I'd finish off that ten pounds.

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I figure today is as good a day as ever to put the sweets in the trash. How I worked it last year when I lost the major portion of my weight was rate myself at the end of each day. On a scale from 1 to 10 I would decide how successful my day was with what I ate, how much, and did I exercise. 1 being oh no, guess I'm starting over tomorrow and 10 being, great, I need more days like this. So the goal is to come as close to a 10 more days than not. How about one week from today we share how much, if any, pounds we lost~or :001_huh: gained. All agree?

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