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Modern History for 2nd Graders?


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Modern History is just so depressing to teach to the little ones... sigh.


We use TOG and all the kids are on the same yearly rotation. But I'm not finding much that I really want to share with my 2nd grader! Starting with ancient, medieval or early American history is fun when you're little... and not so much when you have to cover several major wars, lots of death and political scandals. Oh, boy. :bored:


What I would love is one kid-friendly book that covered it all... a snippet here, a snippet there. Something more "Usborne-ish" if that makes sense. Any recommendations?


I don't want to just leave it out of her day. In fact, she scored lowest on this type of thing on her evaluation this summer, so I'd like to make sure I'm being pro-active about it. :P



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My plans for this year's modern portion include American Story. It is organized as a bunch of short stories. Then The Story of World War One by Brassey https://www.amazon.com/Story-World-War-One/dp/1444010859 and Usborne See Inside the Second World War https://www.amazon.com/Second-World-War-Usborne-Inside/dp/1409523292/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1479335404&sr=1-1&keywords=Usborne+see+inside+the+Second+World+War to beef up the War coverage. Plus, of course, loads of library books, but these three books are forming the "spine" for that portion. I'm using it with k and 2nd grade.

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I'm planning on doing a year long study of "World Cultures and Geography" when we hit that point in history, but I'd let my oldest son continue his history cycle with independent reading. That should be enough to provide context for my younger children's study of modern world history later in their education, but it would still be fun for them to learn about. I am thinking of using Give Your Child the World as a guide for choosing books from the library.

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We're using the Complete Book of US History as a spine. It's nothing special but it gets the job done. Only the last 4 units deal with post Civil War stuff, so it's not a comprehensive resource by any means, but I add a bunch of historical fiction and biographies and do some US Geography stuff like learning states and capitals and call it good.

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