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calling dr hive . .


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for a couple days I've had pain  in my back, just below my waist/above the hip, on one side, but closer to the spine than my side.  the skin feels like it is 'burned, abraised'?  deeper feels like there is a bruise (no burn, no bruise).  dh can feel a 'mass/swelling' below the surface.  no visible sign of swelling or redness. (or anything else different.)

it doesn't feel like a muscle strain.  I can't think of anything else that could have caused it as I've been sick for over a week and have hardly done anything.  (including eating.  probably not drinking enough everyday)


I have no fever, or other symptoms of illness (other than a viral dry oppressive cough that dudeling's teacher said she had for three *weeks*!!! :ohmy: )


any ideas?



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Could be a pulled muscle, or even shingles. I had sworn I had a pulled muscle or contusion with my shingles, but it wasn't it despite the muscle feeling incredibly tender and painful. If it is raised I'd be thinking muscle spasm first, but a primary care physician or urgent care walk in should be able to tell you either way.

Edited by Arctic Mama
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definitely not a muscle.

I thought about shingles - but there is nothing on the surface at all.

I've had back pain with a kidney infection.  this is different.  (and I had a fever of 102+ - and I don't run fevers . . . )


I'm seeing there are lymph nodes in the lumbar back in that location - and that makes sense to me.

now- what to do . . . .

heating pad . . .

castor oil pack?  hmm.  do more reading.

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