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Talk to me about Thrush and booKs...

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My ped doc suspected my little fella' might have some mild thrush so she sent me home with Nystatin and Nystatin "Swish and Swallow" just in case it worsened. I had just nursed him so we weren't sure what we were seeing.


The baby lately has been a little fussy and seems to be "comfort nursing" more than necessary (I'm a schedule feeder usually). Last night in a matter of 30 minutes...no joke...my booKs became so painful! The weird thing is my whole booK is sore, not just the n*pple- this is what webMD said would hurt.


For those of you who have suffered through an infection like this, does this sound normal? Does your whole chest hurt? I would have thought it was just a blocked duct or something if it weren't on both sides and all over.



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It could be you have a skin yeast infection, baby isn't nursing right due to discomfort in the mouth and therefore isn't empyting them like he should (hence the pain you are feeling.) Also, I knew someone a long time ago who would get yeast infections every other month while bfeeding and needed oral diflucan for herself while treating the baby. (If you are treating the baby for thrush, then you should be treated as well.)


Get thee to the doctor and get your bOOks checked out....:tongue_smilie:

Edited by Amy in NY
for clarity - I typed too fast the first time!
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I have had thrush and am trying to remember. I think the whole thing hurt. But I also had about 5 bouts of mastitis too so I might be mixing it up. Use the nystatin and see if that helps.


Does it feel warm or just hurt? Do you see any redness or streaking anywhere? Do you have any spots of great tenderness more so in that area than in others?


Oh, and I would get them checked out asap. You certainly want to nip it in the bud right away regardless. Painful booKs are NO fun especially when nursing.

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ductal thrush feels like that - deep, sharp pain way into the breast, sometimes way into the armpit




Do be careful with the laundry - everything touching you must be washed in hot water with bleach & dried either in dryer or in the hot sun.


If the nystatin cream doesn't take care of it for you, you may need more systemic meds.


Do make sure you do the full course of treatment. Nurse often.


good luck

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Yes, girl, you have it!


Take it from me - I've had it FIVE TIMES! (Yup, every kid) I must grow good germies, or something. . . . .


I'll just echo what everyone else said (mostly). Use the nystatin cream. You shouldn't need to go in for it -if you call your Dr./Midwife and tell them that baby has thrush and you're in agony, they should just call it in. I was told that the nystatin was not at all harmful to baby. Air dry, wash everything, be obsessively clean. I found relief in less than 48 hours. But - just to disagree - I did NOT nurse non-stop/often. I did the regular schedule with my little one. It would have been WAY TOO AGONIZING to nurse very frequently (less than 2-hour intervals). The pain interfered with my letdown. I would cry every nursing, until it got better.


I stayed that way for 6 weeks with my eldest, until a lactation consultant figured out what it was. . . . .


Hope you feel better soon!

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