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Singapore Math Std Test books


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I am using Standards Edition, and I purchase the Textbook (which we use as a guide, rarely do we use it for assignments), the Workbook, the Testbook, the Intensive Practice books, and the Challenging Word Problem Books. Oh, and the Process Skills in Problem Solving.


The testbook is rarely used. Honestly, we have too many workbooks. Pretty much all of the WB is used, along with the entire Process Skills book, most of the CWP and some of the IP books. I *might* pull stuff from the testbook over the summer for review.




But...every year, I buy all of those books because I'm psychotic like that and have to have the set. Plus, I like having the option of variety.

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We bought the test book one year and never used it. It didn't end up being necessary. There were two tests for each unit. One is multiple choice. I understand that they need to prepare students to take multiple choice tests, but personally I hate multiple choice, so half the  test book would have been wasted on us anyway.... 

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I've had two go through SM and neither have ever taken the tests. I bought them because like Sweatpea3829, I just love Singapore Math and their books.  I'm only using them now because I'm teaching for a coop and need more to give to kids who are stuck at a certain level.  Also, I never use the mcq's which is half the book!

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I've never used the test books.  We "test" with the WB reviews.  We do the TB review, then I have them (a different day or days) do the WB review independently.  If I see weaknesses, we stop and address them before moving on.  I don't see any advantage to testing beyond just verifying that they are ready to move on, and the reviews are already perfect for this.  

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