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The Teachers Lounge Express 10-11-2016


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Happy Tuesday! The Lounge is now OPEN! Possibility only for about a half day (thus the 'Express' part).



Freshly baked gf pumpkin chocolate chip muffins. Bottled Starbucks Frappuccinos. And that's about it

in the Lounge right now. I am getting ready to head out of Dodge, after all!


Anything stressing you out this week? Here: packing today. Why does it always take a full days worth of stressful prep

before we go somewhere? I wanted this to be like a 'trial living in the woods' but at this point, I just want it to be vacation!



What's for lunch? Here: no clue. Care to deliver? ;-)


What's your current Netflix or Hulu addiction? Here: Netflix - watching through "Haven" again. Hulu: Survivorman!



Talk to me! :bigear:

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We had leftovers for lunch. I finally decided that I hated sandwiches so making sure there are always leftovers has seriously fixed lunch for me.


We got art and music done this morning plus a few other subjects before heading out for their outside class. With travel time that's just shy of four hours. Then it's home to finish up a few things and on to soccer/dinner/family tv show/bed. One of the things lurking for us at home is ds's paper on the pyramids. I for one can't wait until it's done and over.


I even managed to sew the patches on dh's new uniform shirt for work before we had to leave so he'd be able to wear clothes that fit to work.


Dh and I are working through "Person of Interest" on Netflix. Hulu - lots of new fall shows which is a change from last year. We'll see if they all hang around.

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Yes you can hang out here - even if just planning.


Breakfast is my stress meal time - I can never figure out what to have/make.

Personally, I could eat the same thing every morning, but the family won't and dh gets

testy if you ask him to make breakfast for anyone but himself.


Usually, I just make gf muffins.

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