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POLL: If you're voting for McCain....

Why are you voting for McCain?  

  1. 1. Why are you voting for McCain?

    • He more closely aligns with my beliefs
    • I just want to keep Obama out of the White House
    • Other (please post why!)

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I live in a very pro-Democrat area. After Bush beat Kerry, they were stunned. Speechless. Just could not understand why anyone would have voted for him!


Yes, that's absolutely been my experience as well. I was in a small, ritzy gift shop in a high-end section of the Philadelphia suburbs shortly before the 2004 election, and the owner of the shop and two snooty patrons were talking loudly and openly for all to hear about what a landslide it was going to be for Kerry, and how they couldn't wait for the election, and I recall one of them proclaiming, "I mean, who on earth would *EVER* vote for Bush!!!" And then all agreed heartily. I couldn't help but pipe up in a cheerful, enthusiastic voice that actually *I* was going to vote happily for Bush-- "so now you know one person!" Cue big cheesy grin on my part. They didn't know *what* on earth to make of me! ;)


I know many, many Republicans, and I rarely hear that kind of talk among them. Not that they don't ever criticize Democrats, but I just don't hear Republicans assuming that everyone agrees with them, or being *baffled* by the other side the way that some Democrats seem to be. I have heard that sort of sentiment expressed much more often from Democrats-- that they see *no* value in the other side whatsoever, and that they really can't seem to understand why anyone other than a big business fat cat would actually vote for a Republican candidate.



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I'm voting for McCain partially because he more closely aligns with my beliefs. I'm voting McCain because I know that voting third party is a wasted vote. I'm voting McCain to keep Obama out of the house. I'm voting McCain because I cannot fathom what life in our country would be like if half of what Obama wants to do actually happens. I'm voting McCain because I can't afford the economy that Obama's policies will create.

:iagree: One of my biggest reasons for wanting to keep Obama out of the White House is because I can't trust the man or his wife.

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I'm voting for McCain because my beliefs more closely align with his. Obama and I aren't even on the same planet!! I shudder to think of what is going to happen to this country if he is elected. Unlike the people that settled this country we will have no new country to escape to. People think things are bad now, it will only get worse.


This commentary just came from Citizen Link http://www.citizenlink.org/content/A000008450.cfm Is this what American's really want? I'm heart sick and daily have to remind myself that God is in control and it is he who puts people in places of authority.


Yvonne in NE

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I am voting for McCain because my husband is making me. KIDDING. I, too, can't imagine what kind of government run country this will become under the rule of Obama. He is a smooth talker, charismatic to the hilt. I know better than to buy into those types. He makes no bones about wanting to tax small businesses and what the American people HAVE to see is that this does affect everyone - trickle down...small business raise their prices which translates to the consumer - rich or poor!


I don't agree with every word McCain says, but he is much more American that Mr. Obama. And, finally, as a Christian...

Edited by Tree House Academy
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Yes, that's absolutely been my experience as well. I was in a small, ritzy gift shop in a high-end section of the Philadelphia suburbs shortly before the 2004 election, and the owner of the shop and two snooty patrons were talking loudly and openly for all to hear about what a landslide it was going to be for Kerry, and how they couldn't wait for the election, and I recall one of them proclaiming, "I mean, who on earth would *EVER* vote for Bush!!!" And then all agreed heartily. I couldn't help but pipe up in a cheerful, enthusiastic voice that actually *I* was going to vote happily for Bush-- "so now you know one person!" Cue big cheesy grin on my part. They didn't know *what* on earth to make of me! ;)


I know many, many Republicans, and I rarely hear that kind of talk among them. Not that they don't ever criticize Democrats, but I just don't hear Republicans assuming that everyone agrees with them, or being *baffled* by the other side the way that some Democrats seem to be. I have heard that sort of sentiment expressed much more often from Democrats-- that they see *no* value in the other side whatsoever, and that they really can't seem to understand why anyone other than a big business fat cat would actually vote for a Republican candidate.




I know lots of Republicans, and I hear that kind of talk ALL THE TIME. I think it just speaks to how big and diverse the country truly is. I grew up in New England. I went to a very liberal college in western Massachusetts. When everybody around you thinks the same way, it can be hard to understand that everybody EVERYWHERE doesn't think the same way. I've lived in Oklahoma for the past 4 years, and it is the same phenomenon (only on the opposite side of the political spectrum). If you are the majority, it's hard to understand where the minority is coming from, especially if you don't know them and haven't had the opportunity to get to know them.

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