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Money / budget expressions that bother me


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Another favorite of mine is "We're a one income family so we can't really afford to do "that"". That could be almost anything..... Having one income does not determine if you are lower income or higher income......


You're right, but I have used this on a couple of occasions in an attempt to stress that money is tight. I've also blurted out that we only have one car. Sure, lots of people have _no_ car (maybe they live in a big city with public transportation) but given that a large percentage of families around me have two incomes and two cars, sometimes that seems to help drive the point home that we have limited funds or those funds would go toward something like the second vehicle. I remember when I was using SNAP benefits to buy food (well, as much as we could cover with what we got) and I forgot to bring a snack to work. My co-workers could not comprehend why I didn't just want to buy something to eat there. All the food/drink we sold was overpriced and our machines didn't take the EBT card. I know because I tried.

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