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Bearded dragon boardies, advice needed


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I need suggestions for what to line the floor of our beardie's tank with to help deal with the smell.


I used to use newspaper, but I had to rely on getting them from neighbors and I worried about the chemicals in the ink.


I also used to used brown paper bags but now that I'm shopping at Aldi, I don't get bags.


Lately, I've been using paper towels, so when they poop, cleanup is harder, and lots of towels have to be replaced. And if they poop when we're not home, I come home to a stinky house. So the paper towels are the worst yet.


Any suggestions for an easy to clean beardie's floor?

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I wouldn't do wood pellets or chips or anything like that.  I've known beardies to eat them along with their food and that causes a whole mess of internal problems.  I always used sand (found in the reptile section). The poop dries/solidifies and then I just scoop out that part with a strainer, like a litter box. The smell stays around until it starts to dry, unless they pooped on their logs or whatever.  No getting around that.

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I wouldn't do wood pellets or chips or anything like that. I've known beardies to eat them along with their food and that causes a whole mess of internal problems. I always used sand (found in the reptile section). The poop dries/solidifies and then I just scoop out that part with a strainer, like a litter box. The smell stays around until it starts to dry, unless they pooped on their logs or whatever. No getting around that.

That seems like an option that could really make my life easier.


You never had problems with them eating sand?

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We use sand here as well. Not sure if all dragons do this, but ours does not like to poop in his cage. When he feels the need he goes a bit crazy, climbing the walls and such. When I see him do it, I take him outside and he immediately goes on the grass. Once in a while I won't see him get in his tizzy so he will end up going in his cage. Then I just scoop it out like cat litter. Sometimes he goes on his rocks or logs. Ewww, not fun to clean up!


ETA: yes, get the sand from the pet store. Mine has never eaten it.

Edited by whitestavern
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I use ceramic tiles in the tank, and clean up as soon as he poops. The tiles stay warm under the heat lamp, so His Royal Highness King Henry keeps his magestic feet and tail warm at all times. :zombie:


The folks at the reptile store use paper towels or sand for their beardies, so these choices are probably fine. I just think the tiles hold less odor than sand.

Edited by trulycrabby
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I use ceramic tiles in the tank, and clean up as soon as he poops. The tiles stay warm under the heat lamp, so His Royal Highness King Henry keeps his magestic feet and tail warm at all times. :zombie:


The folks at the reptile store use paper towels or sand for their beardies, so these choices are probably fine. I just think the tiles hold less odor than sand.

Could I just not put anything on the bottom on the tank? That would make clean up super easy. It doesn't seem much different that ceramic tile.

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We use sand here as well. Not sure if all dragons do this, but ours does not like to poop in his cage. When he feels the need he goes a bit crazy, climbing the walls and such. When I see him do it, I take him outside and he immediately goes on the grass. Once in a while I won't see him get in his tizzy so he will end up going in his cage. Then I just scoop it out like cat litter. Sometimes he goes on his rocks or logs. Ewww, not fun to clean up!


ETA: yes, get the sand from the pet store. Mine has never eaten it.

In the good old days, before the older kids went out for high school, they would feed the lizards outside the tank. And then the lizards would conveniently poop outside the tank, so the tank stayed very clean.

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We use ground walnut substrate.




It cleans up nicely like kitty litter. If our beardie poops on it we just use a doggy bag and scoop it up and the smell and mess go away immediately. Easy peasy!

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