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Odd Decorating Choices


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We have encountered some unusual choices.  One had 2 & 1/8 bath which turned out to mean a urinal in the mud room.  The other was a really cute house but they had a large overstuffed brown couch with a chaise in the middle that we ended up calling it the phallic couch house.




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One time we went to look at a house and everything looked fine until we got to the master bedroom. There in the middle of the bedroom was a raised platform, about 3 stairs going up on each side - and sitting on the platform was a toilet. :scared: No walls, just parked there like a monument.


I guess they really wanted it to be a "throne."


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Okay, moment of honesty. I have to admit my master bathroom has two toilets. BUT THEY ARE IN SEPARATE ROOMS! I promise!! I cannot even imagine...... I would like to go back and thank whoever designed my master bathroom because I personally have come to develop a love for his and hers toilets having now experienced them, but in the same room, much less facing each other, um yeah, pass.


When we were house hunting I think the decorating choices that threw me off the most were 1) the Ted's Tavern of Taxidermy type house, where it was like Great White Hunter meets Cabella's decor with dead stuffed animals everywhere, including in one house a full size stuffed giraffe, or 2) the giant wall of crosses. Not one or two, or ten or twenty but like a hundred crosses on a wall. It was just.....too much. Even worse were the houses than combined both, and yes there were houses with both. People are fascinating.


None of this can beat the love bird toilets though.

My xMIL has a master bath with two toilets. Separated by a big wall....one side has a toilet and shower and the other side has a toilet and soaking tub. And double vanities running the entire length of all that. pretty cool design actually.......across from each other.....LOL....no just no.

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I kid you not, when dh and I were house hunting before we bought this house, we were excited to see a listing for a 7 bdrm 9 bath home in our price range. Until we went in.


They had installed a toilet literally in the middle of every single room in the house. Not off to the side like eventually they'd hoped to add walls and such. Right. In. The. Middle. Of every room. Including the kitchen. So instead of a kitchen island, there was a toilet.


Sooooo weird.

That is so crazy! Was there no explanation?

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I guess I've not actually been to anyone's home that was weird decorating-wise vs structure-wise, i.e. odd toilet placement. But now this thread reminds me of a print dbil sent us. It's the print seen here on this book. Dbil--an artist--was proud to have matted and framed it himself. And I guess he wanted to share a bit of art that he liked. At the time we just *could not* hang because it felt like eyeballs were looking back at us. Now I'm wondering if we should just hang the thing and embrace its oddity. Even though it goes with nothing else in our house. lol

That print is hilarious!!! I would totally embrace it! I'd put it up in the hallway or in the guest bath with a collage of pics of the kids in one eyed monster Halloween costumes or brightly colored handprints and autographs of the kids. Maybe add a Pete Mondrian print to class it up a little. Something along those lines. On my phone so I can't see how old your kids are.


People giving artwork as gifts is risky. I have a giant gifted piece in my 2 story entry that is not something I ever would have bought but it's nice at least. :)

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