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Need date night ideas

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No need to recommend "Fireproof". We already saw it (with our youth group) and it has prompted this very needed date night.


It's been a while. The old standard fare was dinner, movie, browsing Barnes & Noble, drinking highly overpriced but heavenly coffee.


I prefer to skip the movie-thing. We are in serious need of getting to known one another anew. I want stimulating conversation, but not sure how to get there. Ideas?

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How about packing up the car with blakets and pillows (go for comfort) and taking them the the lake/river/ocean. . .uhh, pond and laying under the stars. You will need to be far enough away from society that you can talk about anything, but not so far that you will be distracted by "other" things.


Something about water is refreshing and renewing. Water is life giving and we all need life in our marriages. Even if you can find just a little creek to sit by.


Start out with a prayer.


My husband is not a talker. So I do not ever EXPECT him to start the conversations. I come prepared with conversation starters. It breaks the ice, takes the pressure off of him, and creates a more relaxing environment. Then he is more open. I heard of a conversation starter book from somewhere, but I don't remember where.


Don't forget snacks, drinks, and bug spray.

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I have become a BIG afficionado of the weekly date night. We have NEVER done this regularly in our marriage, but back in August decided that it was becoming a necessity. One of the benefits of a weekly date night is that the pressure is off to make it AMAZING. For us, dates were far and few between and so when we went out, we both felt the pressure for it to be perfect. Now, since it's weekly, we're okay if it's not a fancy dinner out or something. Several times, we've just gone up to a local Mexican restaurant for chips and a beer/glass of wine, some talking, hand holding, and then some time under the stars ... I'm learning to transition from "mom" to "wife" for these times and anticipate really being with my dh - giving/getting his full attention, etc. We turn off work and turn on each other. :) I found a survey online that has fueled some interesting discussions and more related to "tea time." We havent' gotten very far with this, though, b/c we always get side-tracked... Anyway, enjoy your dates and make them REGULAR! :)

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No need to recommend "Fireproof". We already saw it (with our youth group) and it has prompted this very needed date night.


It's been a while. The old standard fare was dinner, movie, browsing Barnes & Noble, drinking highly overpriced but heavenly coffee.


I prefer to skip the movie-thing. We are in serious need of getting to known one another anew. I want stimulating conversation, but not sure how to get there. Ideas?


dh & I do the date thing now & then, not regular but regular enough. Ideas--


I packed a picnic w/ wine & we made a fire on the beach.

margarita mondays (local mexican place has margaritas $2 and $1 tacos)

a color me mine time place- silly i know but i LOVE drinking out of the mug dh made me

shooting range- this is for me, i love going & i like showing off infront of dh ;)

miniture golfing- gooney yep ok have the wine first

monster trucks- cheap seats were $10 each, $10 to park. I packed dinner and we tailgated before entering

baseball game- cheapest seats were $6

Sent eldest child with $$ for ALL kids to go to cheap theatre & $1 scoop ice cream, we had the house to ourselve for 2+ hrs! This NEVER happens.


This is what we've done over the past few months. Now I"m looking for ideas.

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Here are some ideas we got this weekend at a marriage conference:


  1. Take him/her on an "Alphabet date" Have your spouse choose a letter, say C, and then plan the date around that. Eat at Chili's, play cards, go to Coldstone Creamery.
  2. Choose an activity your spouse likes, and take him/her to do that. Hockey game, shopping, car show.
  3. Hike, walk in park, boating
  4. Send the kids away and have a "Favorite Movie" night, where you watch each other's favorite movie.
  5. I recommend the book "40 Fabulous Dates" by Gary and Barbara Rosberg. Great ideas!
  6. Kidnap your husband for a night away.
    Hope these help! Just concentrate on having fun!! :D
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If you live near a lake, a canoe or rowboat ride is nice--very quiet, and you feel very together out in the middle of the lake in a small boat. One caveat--no fishing gear in the boat unless you BOTH like to fish.;) (Although my husband does seem more inclined to "share" with a fishing pole in his hand--a distraction of sorts I guess)

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Great ideas! Thank you guys! I'll be writing them down and saving for later!


As it turned out, hubby had plans all his own - that NEVER happens!!!! It was a great surprise all on it's own.


First, we had to hit Toys Rob Us to get a birthday present for my baby who is 3 years old today. Next, he took me to a Thai restaurant. This is HUGE on so many levels. You'd have to know my husband. He does not like to try new things. He does not like to go to new places. He likes dependable, tried-and-true, I-know-what-to-expect kinds of restaurants. And he doesn't usually like anything that hints at Asian food. I love Chinese and Japanese food, so it is something he usually saves up as a gift to me about once a year. This time, he combined the sacrifice of Asian food, in unknown territory, a kind of food we'd never eaten ANYWHERE previously, and an uknown restaurant. He knows I love trying new things. This took a lot of giving on his part and it was a fun adventure.


Next, he took me to a Chuck-e-Cheese type place. We take the kids once every few years and hate it....the stress of keeping an eye on all four kids at once....making sure they don't get lost, they don't get kidnapped, and they don't find themselves wandering into dark pedophile corners. Anyway, we hadn't tried one of those places for our own pleasure since high school. It was a blast! Indoor putt-putt, ski-ball, shooting, racing (lots of racing,) and basketball.


It was a blast.


And he wrapped it up with a trip to Barnes and Noble and good coffee with scones.




And then home for the very last episode of Firefly on Hulu.com. And tEa.




I'm ready for another date tonight! This could be addictive!

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Jenn, here's that survey: http://themarriagebed.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=21645&highlight=survey. I adapted it a bit, but not too much. I didn't want to assume I knew all there was to know about dh's, uh, thoughts on the subject. I printed out two copies and then cut and taped together the sections. So, we've talked about "clothes" and began to talk about "f-play," but didn't get too far b/f we got distracted ...

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Next, he took me to a Thai restaurant. This is HUGE on so many levels. You'd have to know my husband. He does not like to try new things. He does not like to go to new places. He likes dependable, tried-and-true, I-know-what-to-expect kinds of restaurants. And he doesn't usually like anything that hints at Asian food.



Did we marry the same person???

I recognize that my husband is steady and stable (which probably keeps my spontaneous-by-the-seat-of-my-pants self in check)....but it sure can be irritating!!

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