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Reading instruction after completing AAR 2?


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My dd is going into 2nd grade.  Last year we completed AAR 2.  Over the summer we have just been doing a lot of reading.  She can read 3rd grade level books, though she lacks interest in reading chapter books that are a full page of words.  I think they seem overwhelming to her.  


My question is, will AAR 3 be necessary/beneficial?  We are also doing AAS.  We are kind of behind in spelling and have only completed the first level, though I think she would have easily been able to do level 2 last yr - I just didn't get it done.  She seems to be able to come up with most words while reading, through context, even if she doesn't know the "rules" for the word.  I learned to read through a very similar phonics and rules based program, but don't remember all the rules...I just read.  So, part of me wants to get the program, just so I can explain how to decode words we haven't covered yet.  Will we eventually cover everything if we continue with AAS? AAR is just really pricey if we will be learning the same phonics rules through spelling.


Any advice or experience?

Edited by megs1082
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You will eventually cover the same phonics rules, syllable rules and so on in AAS, just at a slower pace than she would get them in reading. Here's a post that illustrates the differences between the reading and spelling programs, which might help as you decide. AAR 3 covers 2-5 syllable words, and it will take awhile in AAS before you get to those longer words. AAR 3 will also cover things like literary terms, making predictions, vocabulary etc..., which aren't covered in the context of spelling. This page has an overview of topics covered in AAR 3.


Some kids do seem to progress in reading without ongoing instruction, so it's just a matter of how easily she picks things up, does she benefit from having extra reading practice, and so on.


HTH as you decide how to proceed!

Edited by MerryAtHope
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Mine are starting second, also.  For us, AAR 3 was very beneficial.  They seemed to shine during/after that level.  Maybe yours just picks up reading more naturally.  AAR 4 is where we are fizzling.  We put it on hold over the summer and may not pick it back up (I don't remember which lessen we were on but it wasn't very far into level 4).  They seem to be doing ok for now reading what they find at the library.  AAR 3 (or maturity) got them over the hurdle of not wanting to read very long stories/books. 


Of course, we also fizzled around the middle of AAS 2 before summer.  But we'll pick that up again very soon.  Mine are NOT natural spellers.

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I believe AAR 3 and 4 are very worth it if you can afford it. I questioned the necessity of level 4 after 3 and am so very glad we did it. I am on my second child going through AAR and completely a believer in the process. Also, resale value is good so you get a good bit of your investment back.

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