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Cancel my dd's MRI? Update post #31

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The OP is not a physician and the specialist is claiming to be "100% confident" without doing a full eval. He cannot know for certain that there isn't a neurological issue without some sort of imaging, either MRI or CT scan. He can say that it's unlikely to be a neurological issue based on the external tests and symptoms, but he's cannot rule it out until he gets imaging results.



I'm not going to engage you on this because I think it's clear you have a strong opinion on this.  But to be clear he said he had ZERO concerns that she has something neurological going on based on ALL the test you perform to evaluate if something neurological may be going on.  But if you want to nail him to the cross over words YOU put in his mouth have at 'er! LOL

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I'm not going to engage you on this...


Yes, same here! Opinions will differ.


Kat, I thank you for your sweet words and I am sorry about the sad news with your granddaughter. I'll be praying for her and your family. Many hugs to you.


Walking away...

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OP, if you want only responses from people who agree with you, do yourself a favor and put "JAWM" in the title. Seriously, that's the way it's done on this forum. Otherwise, you're going to get a range of opinions and some of them you may not like. Your post asked a question, "Should I cancel the MRI?" when really you had made up your mind and are not interested in what anyone else has to say on the matter.

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OP, if you want only responses from people who agree with you, do yourself a favor and put "JAWM" in the title. Seriously, that's the way it's done on this forum. Otherwise, you're going to get a range of opinions and some of them you may not like. Your post asked a question, "Should I cancel the MRI?" when really you had made up your mind and are not interested in what anyone else has to say on the matter.


Well that is something else you misunderstood - in my OP I asked what people thought...and I responded favorably to all posts whether they agreed with me or not. 


My update post was exactly that...an update.   One in which I clearly stated the choice I made.  Agree with me or not - but to keep badgering at me about a situation that you only have limited information on doesn't prove that *I* am the stubborn pig-headed one.

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So perhaps I can simply add my thoughts, for consideration?

Where the first thing that I would be interested to hear about?

Is after 4 to 6 weeks of B12 injections, is if your daughter has observed a notable change?

While they sometimes have an immediate effect, it more often takes 4 to 6 weeks to have an observable effect.


Given that a B12 deficiency can result in the described symptoms, and that a deficiency has been identified?

Increasing B12 levels, can be used as a test, of causation.


Though a further consideration, is that long term deficiency of B12 over years.  Can result in permanent nerve damage.

But her symptoms seem to more recent ?


If their is no change from the B12 injections?

Then an MRI could be considered?

Where the 2 relevant areas, are the brain stem, and the lumbar spinal region.


Though for MRI's of the brain stem and lumbar spine. one simply needs to lay still.

So that an alternative to 'sedation'?

Can simply be putting on a blind-fold, and a pair of headphones with some loud music.


But an MRI will only identify physical symptoms, not the actual cause.

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So perhaps I can simply add my thoughts, for consideration?

Where the first thing that I would be interested to hear about?

Is after 4 to 6 weeks of B12 injections, is if your daughter has observed a notable change?

While they sometimes have an immediate effect, it more often takes 4 to 6 weeks to have an observable effect.


Given that a B12 deficiency can result in the described symptoms, and that a deficiency has been identified?

Increasing B12 levels, can be used as a test, of causation.


Though a further consideration, is that long term deficiency of B12 over years.  Can result in permanent nerve damage.

But her symptoms seem to more recent ?


If their is no change from the B12 injections?

Then an MRI could be considered?

Where the 2 relevant areas, are the brain stem, and the lumbar spinal region.


Though for MRI's of the brain stem and lumbar spine. one simply needs to lay still.

So that an alternative to 'sedation'?

Can simply be putting on a blind-fold, and a pair of headphones with some loud music.


But an MRI will only identify physical symptoms, not the actual cause.

Yes her symptoms ( the ones that led me to a Nuerologist) are very recent.  And they coincide with a period of time that she was becoming more sensory aware so not sure if the self reports of her legs indicate anything other than a new awareness of them.  Again her Vestibular/Proprioception is awful.  This self reporting of her legs happened to also be the Summer where she can finally do handstand (in the water) and have her legs do what they are supposed to do - best tightest handstands with cute little pointed toes and all.  So I see that there is the possibility of a connection to just a new awareness.


The B12 injections - we have only had two - and the iron are already starting to show slight improvement in her energy level. Oddly enough even her consistently bumpy,pimply forehead is smoothing out and her skin is clearer/brighter.  Time will tell the full story I guess?


But if we need an MRI it will have to be with sedation - as things are now.  Her sensory system explodes if anxiety and sensory input are combined.  So headphones and music and a blindfold would spin her. 


Thanks for your thoughts - I always look forward to reading your insights!

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