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Hitting us where it hurts....

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Just a mini rant. Since our electric company has been found liable for fires last yr. they have now decided anytime there is a Santa Ana wind they will shut down power.


And since we are outlying community, it looks like we might be first shut down. Unbelievable. On top of that I am sure they will up our rates to pay for the fines for the fires. I hate this company and there is no alternative.


Rant done. Thanks for listening.

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Just a mini rant. Since our electric company has been found liable for fires last yr. they have now decided anytime there is a Santa Ana wind they will shut down power.


And since we are outlying community, it looks like we might be first shut down. Unbelievable. On top of that I am sure they will up our rates to pay for the fines for the fires. I hate this company and there is no alternative.


Rant done. Thanks for listening.


go solar. It costs a bunch but you will get off the grid. Government offers rebates on solar systems.


I feel the same way about our water company. Water tastes like s*&^ and we have to pay through the nose for it.

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Oh Jet! I can't help but find some way to help you in all this...maybe you could make up a funny family cheer when it goes out...have an action plan that when the electricity goes out that NO school and you must go on a picnic...or if it's at night, hold a "share the memory" by candlelight mandate...this actually could be a memorable time for your family if you meet it with creativity and resolve that although it's inconvenient, what can we do to see the bright side! :) Sorry, maybe "bright" is not such the best word to use here...;)



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Oh Jet! I can't help but find some way to help you in all this...maybe you could make up a funny family cheer when it goes out...have an action plan that when the electricity goes out that NO school and you must go on a picnic...or if it's at night, hold a "share the memory" by candlelight mandate...this actually could be a memorable time for your family if you meet it with creativity and resolve that although it's inconvenient, what can we do to see the bright side! :) Sorry, maybe "bright" is not such the best word to use here...;)




My family absolutely loves it when we have a power outage.:confused: They think it's sort of romantic to play Little House on the Prairie.

We usually get an outage when there is a storm; sometimes it is 24+ hrs before it comes back on. We are hoping to get a generator this fall, but it would not help much - we could use it about 2 hrs a day if needed.


I'm sorry you are having to deal with this. Best wishes to you.



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Amazing! Just saw a newspaper article around here - AEP (American Electric Power) is considering charging hundreds of thousands of customers for restoring service after an Ike-related windstorm in the area!?


The telephone company gets huge fines if dial tone is lost. Why does the power company get to charge more if their service is lost? Many of the outages are related to the lack of attention to infrastructure in the past 10 years, and tens of thousands were without power for more than 4 days! Aaargh!

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