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Teeth Whitening

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Guest janainaz

Crest has some (3 day and 10 day ones, I think), I'm sure you know that already and yes, they do work. I've used them and so has my dh. Worth the money :)

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Yes, the Crest Whitestrips work great! They are kind of expensive, but way cheaper than getting them whitened by the dentist. I'd go with one of their more/most expensive products--you will definetely see results. :D Also, check the Crest website--sometimes you can sign up for a coupon. They just sent one to me for $7 off.

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After I had my braces removed last year, I really needed some whitening, so I asked my dentist for advice about the best method. He recommended Dentist's strength Crest Whitestrips. They are stronger than the ones you can buy off the shelf at a retail store. I bought a box from my dentist's office. I'm thinking they were somewhere around $40-$60. They worked so amazingly well! My sister noticed right away and asked if I had had my teeth whitened, my dh definitely noticed a huge difference, and I was really happy with the results. The only caveat is that they do tend to make sensitive teeth more painful. I have sensitive teeth. So, my dentist prescribed special toothpaste with a lot of extra fluoride in it to help strengthen my teeth before I started using the whitestrips.

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I used the cheaper ones from the grocery store last January. I forget which ones - but they dissolved in my mouth. Anyway, they worked GREAT!!! Everyone could tell my teeth were whiter. My teeth were a bit more sensitive in weird places (usually I have trouble with my front teeth, but with the whitener, I had issues with the back teeth). But it wasn't too bad and didn't last long.


I need to do it again. AFter nearly another year of coffee and wine drinking, my teeth are back to where they started.

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Hi All,


I am a dental hygienist of 25 yrs. by trade (but am homeschooling instead:001_smile:). Good suggestions and if you can buy a professional strength from you dentist for the price of 40-60 dollars it is a good price. As for the sensitivity, either before you whiten and during treatment you could use a desentising toothpaste such as Sensodyne. You could also use fluoride rinses daily such as ACT. Also, if the sensitivity makes you crazy, you could get a Rx. strength fluid gel from your dentist. Win, win situation. Whiter teeth and as adults, believe it or not, we could use some extra fluoride around our root surfaces.


Happy whitening.

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When I notice my teeth getting grungy, I start using baking soda as toothpaste for a week or two. It works great for me without the expense of the whitening strips. It also cleans all the teeth rather than just the front that the strips can reach. I also use a floss with toothpaste on it. I think it is made by Crest. The last time I saw a dentist, she was shocked my teeth were so clean when I had not been to the dentist in about six years. I also had no cavaties. :D

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I keep a bottle of generic brand whitening mouth rinse in the shower. Every morning I swish a mouthful while I shower and wash hair (~5 minutes). The timing works the best for me. No strips, no mess, and no forgetting. :) The results aren't overnight, but with regular use, I noticed a difference within a month.


Plus, it's so much cheaper and I've got basically the same results. Even my dental hygienist commented positively! It also seemed to help cut down on tartar buildup.

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We got one of those kits for becomming new patients at our current dentist's office. They do work, but your teeth are only nice and white for so long (maybe a week or two). Since we can't afford to replace the kits, I haven't even been using mine unless I've got some occasion coming up. Nevermind that if the bleach solution gets on your gums, it stings, sizzles, and bleaches them too (only for a couple days, though)!


We haven't tried any other whiteners.

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