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Meister cody

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Someone put up a link a while back about Meister Cody , I'm sorry my phone is old and freezes and I can't to links, hopefully someone can put the link up. It's a really great program IMO. And is helping my boys alot. And math's their strongest subject! Lol


OhE and some others have reminded those of us needing reminding ( me lol), of application . though I know this, it can become alot of balls to juggle sometimes for me. ( we also have very low working memory numbers ).


Application Example:


In ps ds12 , his biggest strength and confidence was a number line . it, at first , was the only way they could get a concept (that the number line would apply)across to him.

He still loves that number line, almost to obsession. He's gone ahead on his own and figured out negative numbers. I keep it up everywhere , taped to the table, another one with his school books, in our " fun math" stuff in the family room. He used the number line to sink thermometers in his own brain. Number line is his default for anything he can.


On the Meister Cody software program, ( presented differently, on a computer screen instead if physical holding ) , he only got an 81% on the basics of using a number line.


I am so surprised given, he seemingly can do anything with a physical number line in his hand.


It just ,for me, goes to show....application in other areas with different techniques , presented differently , is important to practice. Important to take to other areas in different formats.


It can seen like a small thing. In teaching our kids, it's really not, it's very important.


I just wanted to share my little diddy about the Meister Cody program for dyscalcula (and other challenges) .

But also, how important application to other areas really is. I thought I was being really diligent on carrying application across to other areas, and I do try to be mindful to look for those opportunities, but whoa! Our number line really surprised me lol.


So glad someone posted a link to this . my boys haven't put it down and are really getting alot out of it.


Best 10. Per child I've spent so far lol. I highly recommend it for those with dyscalcula, or really, for any math practice I think it's good.


Maybe could someone put a link uo for it? Thanks :)


Love Meister Cody!


PS. Good redirection for ADHD kids not on their medication haha.

Edited by Kat w
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I am trying it out but for some reason I am having trouble with it not accepting my card or PayPal. I am not sure if it is because they are in Germany or what but I never had that issue before. My kids are just beginning but I am hoping it will help especially for my oldest who is a little weak in number sense. Since it is for 2nd to 4 th graders I am not sure how far the math will go to but I hope it works with some concepts for older children.

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Oh, yes. Number sense. Whew. My youngest. Yea. Big issue...and I am shocked how well it is going for him.


I didn't have pay trouble but my husband travels internationally regularly. I just remembered when you said that.


You have to call your bank and have them lift the international restrictions. They will. You can have it done for that only...ir in general. We had to do it in general.


That's a really good point. I bet others are having trouble with it too, not knowing that's the problem .


Glad you brought that up. I would hate for people to miss out on Meister Cody for that reason.

Alot of people probably just say firget it and move on.


Just call your bank during banking hours and tell them what u want to do and ask them to lift the international restrictions .


I did email them a question about what the next plan ( they formulate a next plan and map for your kids based on how the did on the last thing)


And my response was in German. Baha!

Told my hubby. Um. Translate pls. There's a lil thingy u can push to get it in English lol.


See how technical I am? Lol

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I think it was me who linked it. I agree it's a great program. If anyone does sign up make sure you sign up on the English website because you get the emails from them in english. I made the mistake of signing up in German at first but luckily in the free trial so just re-signed up.


My eldest is at about 2 months with this program now and it does definitely evolve with them. She finds it a bit stressful though because it just gets straight to all the things she struggles with.

Edited by lailasmum
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Thank you for linking it :) It's already been good for my boys.


I just got my detailed message back.


Apparently, the assessment runs for 30 days. That gives them time to see where our DC are and where they need the most work.


I thought the assessment would come after we signed up. Apparently not. It's an entire 30 day assessment. And the email said, that gives them time to develop certain strengths where the child is weak.


I'm used to I guess, the placement tests with curriculum. This is all different .

I had dh sign us up and he just made accounts for both boys and paid. It's my fault for not investigating that further.


I've been so tired and my DS is of his med for several days and, my mind has been taxed.


So, do the 30 assessment. I've never even heard of a 30 day assessment.

I was thinking, my boys need all the review they can get ( still working on math facts).


I wonder pp, do you know if there is a way I can go back and get that? The assessment period?


I'm going to email them about it, ( my emails come in English now lol).


It sounded like, from how the email was worded, there is alot they maybe missed? As a result of not doing the 30 day assessment.


Wow, what a thourough program. And entire 30 days to train it fir where your DC are. That's pretty awesome.


Hope we can recover where I went wrong in that.

I guess I should have waited until I was more rested and if better mindset.


I really love how they plan a course of action based on the child's last work, and adjust.

I don't think I've seen program before that does that. It's like, tailored made for your child then.


I know some of the other programs will not progress if the child doesn't get a set amount correct , but, both my boys are in 2 completely different maps, doing completely different work.


I am super impressed with this .

Edited by Kat w
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And they have the best support of any program I've seen, All for 10.$ per month per child! Wow.


We did skate kids and it was nothing in comparison to this and way more expensive. We did not have support from the manufacturer like this either.


This is probably the first software program we've done that has all of these pros and doesn't break the bank.


I get an email everytime they do work , telling me their scores, screenshots of type of work done( I hang around close when my boys are doing it or sit with them for fun). So, I know what they are doing , but wow!


So very thourough.


Big difference , not out fir the money. And seem to truly care about the effectiveness of their program for each child.


They are always asking for feedback on how they can improve their program.

Not like the others where, this is a set program, we've done it, we are the professionals , take it ir leave it.


Meister Cody is NOT this way.


And did I mention ? Only 10.$ a month per child? Lol

Love it.

Edited by Kat w
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Y'all are such a hoot!  I'm going to have to do the trial with him, but we won't start till we get our set-up rearranged and get through our summer activities.  I'm finally ready for things to SLOW DOWN!


And yes, if you're letting the Meister be the drivester, then you're going to be wise to carry it over to life.  Whatever they're doing, pick it up with some real life sneaky math.


Notice how I deleted the more charming line: Meister, drivester, wiseter, lifester.  Oh I would never get silly like that.  :D

Edited by OhElizabeth
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Ha-ha :) tanx.


Oh boy, things to slow down, me too.

I'm ready for my house to be put back together lol. It's driving me nutty. :)


When you reminded me to log, wow, was that an eye opener when I did.


Everything in disarray is driving me crazy, imagine what it has to be for him. He HAS to have order.


Ds20 and dad, both boys and mom are going to be in that room today. Floors are done , thank goodness, and it all going back in .


He said yesterday when we started logging, I can't WAIT to have all this back together. Poor little dude. I felt bad for him.


It will happen...today! Lol


Yes OhE, I think you will like this. The boys just love it.


PS. Thanks for reminding me to log. Changed everything around :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

There should be a treasure chest icon under their name for the assessment. If they took it they would have emailed you a Cody score with percentiles. I am not sure if they do other Cody scores but they do other assessments.if they did not take the assessment yet they should be able to still.


I am not sure what I think so far. I am not seeing big changes yet but we only just started and it is pretty simple still. I hope they have some stuff with bigger numbers and math above the simple level.

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There should be a treasure chest icon under their name for the assessment. If they took it they would have emailed you a Cody score with percentiles. I am not sure if they do other Cody scores but they do other assessments.if they did not take the assessment yet they should be able to still.


I am not sure what I think so far. I am not seeing big changes yet but we only just started and it is pretty simple still. I hope they have some stuff with bigger numbers and math above the simple level.

It does ramp up after a bit but it will depend on how well they do since it responds to what they do well or not.
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There should be a treasure chest icon under their name for the assessment. If they took it they would have emailed you a Cody score with percentiles. I am not sure if they do other Cody scores but they do other assessments.if they did not take the assessment yet they should be able to still.


I am not sure what I think so far. I am not seeing big changes yet but we only just started and it is pretty simple still. I hope they have some stuff with bigger numbers and math above the simple level.

I was thinking that too misty mountain .

Mine are still on the lower numbers too.

I was hoping it was like Lailismum said, and kinda figured it would...adjust for our kids as they go along.

It's based on what and how they did previously.


But yea, were still on low numbers too.

It's giving my guys good math fact practice too. It's in a fun and timed game way ...so ..


I do like it. My guys have some pretty significant dysgraphia.

It's probably filling holes or practicing on holes I didn't know they had as far as the dysgraphia goes.


At a minimum, they are enjoying it and it's getting them doing math in a different way. So I really like that :)


I'm glad you said what you di tho lailismum, I was beggining to wonder too :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

It has given my kids a second CODY score recently. Both kids improved their scores. My one child who was the lower performer mostly improved big time in core markers. Her two weak areas calculation and number processing only improved 2 percent. My other child improved a little in all areas but more in the areas he was weaker in. It will be interesting to see if they improve more over time. I also wonder if their overall math ability improved or just the stuff on the game.

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