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MindBytes for a BrainPop?


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If you are interested in a cheap way to get BrainPop consider  http://www.kidsonlineacademy.org/adding-courses.html . They offer the BrainPop group of subscriptions (Jr, Regular, Spanish) for 6 tuition credits or $48 for the year, plus $10 registration. The site also has subscriptions to other programs like reading eggs, Reading A-Z/Raz Kids, Brainz Attack, and others for reasonable prices. My school district publishes their access codes so I use theirs.  

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If you are interested in a cheap way to get BrainPop consider http://www.kidsonlineacademy.org/adding-courses.html . They offer the BrainPop group of subscriptions (Jr, Regular, Spanish) for 6 tuition credits or $48 for the year, plus $10 registration. The site also has subscriptions to other programs like reading eggs, Reading A-Z/Raz Kids, Brainz Attack, and others for reasonable prices. My school district publishes their access codes so I use theirs.

It looks like the brain pop combo is only aviable if you are a half or full time.

Edited by macmacmoo
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