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9th grade writing resource?

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I know there are a million threads on curricula, and I'm familiar with the big ones, but I'm wondering if anyone has recommendations for our specific situation.


DD is taking a full credit, outsourced public speaking course this school year.  My plan was to use The Elegant Essay boot camp schedule this summer to get her up to speed.  It is not going well.  I wouldn't call it a complete failure, but she's struggling more than I anticipated, and the religious content is trickier to work around than it appeared at first glance.


Her writing *mechanics are at a level I find acceptable.  Her elementary background is in WWE/MCT.  MIddle school was IEW/Killgallon and some MCT. WWS did not go well.  She struggles so much with audience/purpose.  Information on paper, good.  Interesting, intelligent sentence structure, good.  Conveying the big picture to the reader, not so good.


Are there other "quick start" programs that might fit the bill here?  Or should we keep trying to hack away at the thesis concept on our own and hope it clicks at some point?  Are there any exceptional essay anthologies that might clarify the differences in essay types?


She's going to have plenty of practice throughout the year, I just want to make sure she's standing on solid ground first.

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Agreed, I bet that Help for High School, or one of the online writing classes from BW, would be just the ticket.  And they are short, so committing 6 weeks to a class might bring you really great results and get her where you feel like she needs to be.  You can email Julie for help with placement in the classes.

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Have you looked at anything from Brave Writer? Dd used "Help for High School" one summer before beginning high school level classes.


I'd be happy to send it to you gratis because I've met you and your girls :)


Seriously?  :w00t:

My initial reaction is too feel too guilty to accept such an offer, but then I realized I don't like to be stupid, lol.


I've only glanced at BW in the past, because I own so many LA resources, but I just pulled that one up and it does look like it could fit the bill!

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