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Help with choosing upper level math text

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Originally we planned on using Saxon w/ Dive for Algebra 1- Calculus. (We bought all of the books already.) My oldest son had trouble( his grades started slipping) in Algebra 2 , so we moved him into TT Geometry and hoped to go back to Algebra 2 next year. I have three boys and the next two are not strong math students ( one is dyslexic).


I need a program that is primarily self -taught on DVD or CD. I am unable to teach it and my husband is not available. I need to be able to use it for all three children. It needs to be easy to understand yet prepare them for college. I keep reading about Saxon skipping around and being difficult to use especially when you get to Advanced Math. My youngest is a prime candidate for TT but I am worried that it will not be challanging enough for the other two. Videotext is way out of our price range. I can not afford two different programs at this point. I have looked at Dr. Callahan, Chalkdust, Teaching Tape technology, Life of Fred, and my brain is swimming. What to use?

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We are using this for Calculus and used it for SAT review. I think this would be a great choice because you could use it over with each successive child and it definitely would meet the college prep needs.


We really like Dana Mosely's presentation; he is very warm and pleasant with a little humor and engaging manner. He also is available to help students by email or phone if they get really stuck. This service comes with the purchase of the course from Chalkdust. They also offer this service for people who purchase Chalkdust used for (I think) $50 a year. You might have to pay this few for subsequent uses of the course in following years....but it would be worth it for the higher level stuff anyway. We have been using Chalkdust for about 2 months now and just love it.


I think the fact that you can go all the way through Calculus with Chalkdust is a huge selling point. You certainly wouldn't need to go that far, but the fact that you CAN is great. Plus, you can't beat real live help when you get stuck.



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I have checked on Chalkdust again and it is also out of our price range but I will be on the lookout for a used set. :w00t: I have checked homeschool classifieds and this site but am not sure where else to look. Anyone selling Algebra 2? If I can not locate one in time would the next best option be TT or keeping the Saxon and using LOF or some type of more complete teacing component made for Saxon? I hear of most jumping ship with Saxon by the time they hit Advanced Math, because they are confused. Is this something that LOF would remedy or are the concepts just not tied together? If it is still not tied together and the concepts are not explained more Saxon videos will not do any good. Does TT do any better? Where is the best place to find Chalkdust used? Thank you ladies for all your wisdom. I really appreciate your help and direction. This board has been instrumental in steering me away from bad curriculum decisions.

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next year, is that correct?


If it is, then you have plenty of time to wait and find a used copy. I'd post on the WTB board here and the other places you've mentioned. Keep up with it pretty frequently to bump it up and so on. I'd also scour vegsource. I have not used it myself, but a friend of mine buys and sells a lot of her stuff there....it gets a huge amount of traffic.



I've seen chalkdust on there before, but you usually have to act quickly.....just do the find on the page kind of search for chalk and you will get several hits. It is much faster than searching each line, which is overwhelming.


I would encourage you not to give up too quickly in your search. There are bound to be some people who would be selling toward the end of the school year....you might even be able to make a deal in advance with someone...I have done that before myself and it worked great. I knew I had a buyer and they knew that they had the books all pre-arranged.


Good luck to you!

Edited by Sharon in MD
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Kinetic Books Algebra II will be finished by then. They're still working on it right now, so I am using a beta version that isn't fully functional yet. I send them reports of errors in the answer keys and simulations that don't work quite right.


My 13yo is using KB Algebra I and loves it. She's unhappy that she's going to have to leave KB for Geometry (they don't have geometry yet), but very glad that she'll get a fully functional KB Algebra II.


I'm hoping that they have a full spectrum of math courses from pre-algebra on up by the time my youngest is ready.

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