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Audio Book Delivery Methods


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This year, three of my children are going to listen to the same audio books and participating in a group discussion.  I'm trying to figure out the best way for them to each listen at different times. 


They each have a very inexpensive MP3 player that isn't easy to navigate. 

I have an older iPad with Audible.

I have a phone (not Android or Apple) that I can load audio books onto with the Audible app.


My question is, if I buy the audio books on Audible, would I be able to load the same book on three different devices (using just one account), and have my kids' places kept on their devices?  For instance if one child listens to chapter 1 on the iPad, but another child get through chapter 2 on my phone, will the child who only got through ch 1 be skipped ahead when he opens the audio book on the iPad? 


I hope that makes sense.


And, is there a better way to do this?




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