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Virginia hsers...Did you see the youtube on Mark Warner?

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Dawn E. posted this.




I am so mad I could spit! :mad: Is he not supposed to represent the people in Congress? How can he get away w/ talking about soooo many Virginians as a THREAT to Virginia? I just cannot believe it. Maybe I'm just naive. If are interested here is an e-mail to reach him.




He has come out recently saying his sister hs's. Big Freakin Deal! He made these *comments* and now he's just back-peddling and trying to cover his butt.


These comments offend me on soooo many levels. I haven't seen any press on this in Va. Have you?

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I wish you had looked at the original link she had posted--it was all from a blog that was supposed to be from Gilmore--but you can only find it from blogs, nothing from his campaign. It doesn't ever say ANYTHING specific, just ATTRIBUTES this talk to him, but it never says anything that is supposed to be un-American about them.


And, in case you have missed it, he has spoken out for homeschooling before--his sister homeschools her kids!!! I live in VA and think he is great, has done a lot for VA!

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I just checked and it is on the Gilmore campaign website as well. I'm not sure if it matters to me who posted it, but what matters if it really is something Warner said. It does appear to be him talking and I think the statement is very troubling. I saw in the other thread on this that some had said they agree with this general point...that the Republicans are being taken over by those on the extreme right wing. I don't necessarily agree with that but even if I did I think this is more than him saying "the Republicans are getting more conservative". He says that these specific groups "threaten America". Since I belong to several of these groups I do find that troubling and insulting. Even if his sister does homeschool and he has spoken out publicly in support of homeschooling that seems even more troubling. The public face is that he supports homeschooling and the private face when speaking to other Democrats is that it "threatens America"?


I'm still not sure who I'll vote for for Senate. I don't like Gilmore for other reasons so I was leaning more towards Warner even though I'm more of a Republican.


I plan on writing his campaign and seeing what their response is.

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I just checked and it is on the Gilmore campaign website as well. I'm not sure if it matters to me who posted it, but what matters if it really is something Warner said. It does appear to be him talking and I think the statement is very troubling. I saw in the other thread on this that some had said they agree with this general point...that the Republicans are being taken over by those on the extreme right wing. I don't necessarily agree with that but even if I did I think this is more than him saying "the Republicans are getting more conservative". He says that these specific groups "threaten America". Since I belong to several of these groups I do find that troubling and insulting. Even if his sister does homeschool and he has spoken out publicly in support of homeschooling that seems even more troubling. The public face is that he supports homeschooling and the private face when speaking to other Democrats is that it "threatens America"?


I'm still not sure who I'll vote for for Senate. I don't like Gilmore for other reasons so I was leaning more towards Warner even though I'm more of a Republican.


I plan on writing his campaign and seeing what their response is.


It does seem that either Warner is two-faced, and caught at it, or that he only supports certain types of homeschoolers - the ones who are not conservative, Christian, NRA-types.


It does appear to be Warner actually saying these things on the video, in which case I think the source is pretty irrelevant. These are his words coming out of his mouth.


He had lost my vote before this, though.


I'm new to this state and don't know much about Gilmore yet. Would you mind telling me why you don't like him?

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I can't watch the video, however, if this is what I think it is, it is old news.


Many years ago, when he was running for government he did make a comment about homeschoolers being a threat to the "American Way of Life." It ran in a few newspapers and there were a few opinion page articles on it.


I found it almost as amusing as the woman who submitted the opinion to the Virginia Pilot that, "That homeschooler who won the National Spelling Bee was obviously unsocialized, as evidenced by her overdramatic response to winning." :001_huh:

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Hmmm. Very troubling. I am a "crunchy" conservative who was leaning toward Mark Warner, too, but I certainly do not want to give him my vote if he thinks that my way of life is a threat and contrary to what it means to be an American (I would argue the EXACT opposite). I went to Warner's site, but there's no mention of this or any clarification of his position.

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I wish you had looked at the original link she had posted--it was all from a blog that was supposed to be from Gilmore--but you can only find it from blogs, nothing from his campaign. It doesn't ever say ANYTHING specific, just ATTRIBUTES this talk to him, but it never says anything that is supposed to be un-American about them.


And, in case you have missed it, he has spoken out for homeschooling before--his sister homeschools her kids!!! I live in VA and think he is great, has done a lot for VA!


I'm not sure I understand what "original link" you are referring to and exactly what you are implying. I first viewed the youtube from a link on Drudge Report, but found it again to post here by putting in "Warner Gillmore homeschool" at youtube. I really don't care where I originally saw it, but politicians should be more careful what they say in private if they present a totally different view in public. What is more likely to be the true belief?


Edited to add: Okay, it wasn't a link from drudge report, I was mistaken. You can see here where I first saw of the link and follow it to where I originally read it. I just wanted to clarify that, but still don't see the point.

Edited by Dawn E
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