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Which level of FLL for Grade 2


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Hi Everyone,


I am new to WTM and this is my first post!  Forgive me if this topic comes up frequently.  We are heading into our second year of homeschooling with our 2nd grader.  We did not use WTM materials last year, but will be next.  I have WWE 1, but FLL 1 and 2.  Which do you recommend for second grader?  Do I need to do WWE 1 with FLL 1?  I was leaning towards FLL 2 when I looked at them, but am not sure.  My girl is a fluent and voracious reader who is strong in language arts in general, but I don't want to skip or push ahead if these lessons should be done in order.  Any thoughts?  Thank you so much!



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I started my Grade 2 with FLL 1, because that was when we found it.  I wound up condensing a LOT.  My fluent and voracious reader did not require 47 lessons on nouns.  ;)


Yes, I'd say FLL 2.  You may find that after a couple of weeks of WWE 1 she's ready for WWE 2

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I just want to add to please don't feel you need to rush through WWE1 and push her into WWE2 just to make the programs 'match'.  There are LOADS of kids, who used WWE one level 'behind' FLL.  There is no problem doing it that way. Don't rush WWE, it teaches very important skills. And if writing becomes a chore at that age you can set yourself up for lots of opposition later on. Plus, there is a big leap from WWE 2 and 3.  It is a bigger challenge. My then fourth grader did WWE3 and then went right into WWS1 in 5th grader with no trouble.  So, don't worry about the numbers on the books. 

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I use FLL 2 in second grade paired with WWE 1. I prefer to use WWE one grade level "behind" because it gets challenging quickly. (Although the books are simply levels and not grade levels so it's not actually "behind" to do it that way).

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All the levels repeat themselves. You can jump into any of them and not miss a thing. I used them one level ahead for my oldest, who found grammar easy. I would not use anything less than level 2 for a typical 2nd grader. And she will probably find that level easy, though that's not necessarily a bad thing. :)

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