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Best study guides for CLEP?

The Girls' Mom

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My dd is planning to CLEP four courses this year before she graduates.  Does anyone have any recommendations on which study guides work best?  Amazon had some mixed reviews.  


She'll be doing:


College Algebra

US History or US Government (haven't decided for sure)


English Lit.



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Yes, the REA ones are our favorites. My older one tested out of 12 credit hours with CLEP and more with AP's.


Both are studying for the lit analysis one this summer, which they're saying seems easy-peasy given the classical focus we've done. At the local community college, that's worth 6 credit hours of 200-level literature. 


For my older one (an accounting major), that finishes up his humanities credits. Ironically the 4-year business school he's going to transfer to doesn't require literature and won't take that CLEP credit, but it's a graduation requirement from the CC. 


For my younger one (thinking about an English degree with a web content focus), she'll actually have to still take one more literature class. The 4-year doesn't take those credits, but she can then take one of their more focused lit classes that will work for both schools in science fiction or world literature . She'll also be able to try some of the graphics design and web design courses that are important for the major she's thinking of at the 4-year that would be tough to fit in. The lit will be her first CLEP.


Next year in 12th grade she's taking psychology and macroeconomics, so we'll follow those with a CLEP too. Those will fulfill her social science requirements for both the CC and 4-year she's thinking about.

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