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Trouble with 3-digit multiplication


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My ds is having trouble getting his 3-digit multiplication problems right. I knew he was struggling, so I pulled him out of his math curriculum and we're working on just 3-digit mult. problems. I gave him 10 problems and he missed half of them. He only got one number wrong in each. I know he is trying hard and he has gotten better. I did one myself to show him and I got it wrong, too! It's very easy to do any of the steps incorrect and then the whole thing is wrong. This son is not detail oriented but he does try hard and enjoys learning.


I will say my older 2 kids did not have these kinds of problems so I know this just doesn't come as easy to this kiddo. Any ideas or tips or should we just keep going over it?



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We use graph paper to make sure our digits stay in the correct places. This has helped my son tremendously. However, he does still get some wrong on occasion - same as your son, just one number off most of the time. It is just going to take time and practice.


Sounds like, too, that he may need to revisit his basic multiplication skills and make sure he is not multiplying wrong to begin with. If that is not this issue, teach him to erase all of the "carried numbers" when he finishes one multiple. My son was getting confused by writing say, a 1 over top of a 2 and when he went back to add the carried numbers, he couldn't remember which one was from the multiple he was doing. Does that even make sense?? LOL

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Just wanted to add Elaine that if you keep hitting this wall...take a break. I posted an identical thread a month or so ago and was given some great advice...advice I already knew but had forgotten. If you want to read it, it's at http://www.triviumpursuit.com/articles/research_on_teaching_math.php


I have also found through this forum that many kids hit a wall once they get to this point in math. Makes me wonder just how right-on this article is. We're experimenting with this theory now and are taking a break from textbook math.

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I have to tell you that 3-digit multiplication is the ONLY time in nearly 12 years of homeschooling that made my dd cry!! I will never forget that day (neither will she :) it was so frustrating. We tried the graphing paper which improved her scores some.... but ultimately I told her to put away her math book and we would just do something else. I had those "Key to" books on the shelf, and I let her choose something every day during her math time. she worked through them very quickly - the point was just to "bookmark" our math time and let her gain her confidence... and just grow up a little, to be honest. Fast forward to now, she's a high school junior and considering majoring in math (among many other subjects - can you say liberal arts education?)

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