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vision issue - POTS, low blood sugar, something


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I went to the dentist today and in a rush so I only ate 1/2 a protein bar before going. No lunch. Hadn't had much to drink. It was the placement of a bridge, but one tooth was sensitive so I asked to be numbed up. The used a different medication, Carbocaine, which is shorter acting. It wore off part way through (I chew through anesthetic) and made half my face swell/bruise. When it was time to get up I was a bit lightheaded, but more over, I couldn't focus my eyes properly! Like, I could see...but it wasn't right. Like they weren't working in tandem almost...best description would be like if one contact was stuck or something. So weird. Lasted about 5 minutes. Also had some tingling all over my body. Oh, and the eye that wasn't working right was not on the side where the numbing medication was, so don't think it was that. 


So weird. I'm thinking low blood pressure/low blood sugar. I do tend to get vagal type reactions from stress, but this was a new symptom for sure. 


I waited until I could see properly to leave. And I'm chilling in bed right now with a cup of coffee, thinking the caffeine is what I need. Already ate a few chicken nuggets. 


So crazy. I think maybe it was worse after all the bleeding with the IUD this week, and the stomach virus I had last week. 

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It sounds like me when I get low blood sugar. Vision gets wonky and hard to focus.


But my blood pressure also drops when I get dental anesthetic so I can see that too.


How about both? Sorry you feel so bad. Food and rest help me with both problems.

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Just remembered I have a blood pressure cuff, and pressure is fine. Either it is better now or it was blood sugar, which is possible. The protein bar I scarfed had low sugar/low carbs so that might be. Ugh and yuck! Feeling better, but wiped out. which is normal for me after dental work. 

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I sometimes have vision problems from neck issues. Is it possible your neck was uncomfortably tense or twisted / angled back too much? 


Do you get migraines or just migraine aura? 


Maybe on the neck, but I don't think so. I've had one migraine in my life, about 10 years ago. At least It think it was a migraine. 


Realized i'd put the blood pressure cuff on backwards, lol!  So now, after food and drink and rest, it's 116/69 while reclining. So guessing it was lower before, and when upright. 

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Last time I went to the optometrist, she did that thing where she "separates" the vision in each eye, so you look at the same image in 2 different places on the screen or something.  Anyway, when she put them back together, my eyes didn't go back together.  The image stayed 2 images.  We had to wait a few minutes.  She asked if I was tired.  I said no.  She asked if I had slept well last night.  No.  Sometimes when you're tired, she said, it takes longer for your brain to go back to synthesizing the different views they see.


So I'm wondering if part of your vision was restricted or something while they were working on you, and then maybe your eyes didn't want to synthesize together again right away, due to tired or blood sugar or whatever.


Just a thought.

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Last time I went to the optometrist, she did that thing where she "separates" the vision in each eye, so you look at the same image in 2 different places on the screen or something.  Anyway, when she put them back together, my eyes didn't go back together.  The image stayed 2 images.  We had to wait a few minutes.  She asked if I was tired.  I said no.  She asked if I had slept well last night.  No.  Sometimes when you're tired, she said, it takes longer for your brain to go back to synthesizing the different views they see.


So I'm wondering if part of your vision was restricted or something while they were working on you, and then maybe your eyes didn't want to synthesize together again right away, due to tired or blood sugar or whatever.


Just a thought.


That's possible, and exactly what it felt like. I was looking in the mirror trying to see how to floss right before that, and trying to see around the instruments, so may have closed one eye or something even. And I've been exhausted, so yeah, that makes sense! And I actually have convergence issues, but usually only close up. When i'm tired at night if I'm reading too small of print I close one eye when I read. 


Thank you!

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