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I keep getting a "critical" warning message

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from Windows Firewall (Which I didn't know I had!)


It says that a Trojan-Spy thingy is being detected.


I ran Mcafee. It found nothing. I downloaded the newest version of Spyblaster. Nothing. So am I in a critical situation? What should I do? When I click "enable protection" it tries to sell me spyware detectors.

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Wait....you already clicked on it? Did you accept anything from it?


If I understand this stuff correctly, you DON'T have windows firewall loaded on your computer. It is just a very clever pop-up. Very authentic looking. It gets past all of your virus detection by asking you to let it in. People are a much easier route than around virus detectors.

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Yes! I clicked on "enable protection" but then what came up was a PC Pro add which supposedly scans.


I did actually download it and it found about 12,000 security violations but then I aborted and went to "add/delete" and deleted the program because I wanted to make sure I was doing the right thing.


Have I totally screwed up?

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Yuck. Yes. Deleting it doesn't actually delete it. You didn't really have 12,000 violations. Don't worry about that part. You just need rid of this thing now.


Google "malwarebytes" and download it. It is a free program that takes care of most of these. There is an upgrade/pay version, but you don't need it. Stick with the free. Dh says this should fix it.



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Just as a note in case anyone goes through what Danestress has, this sounds like a classic SmitFraud infection. You get a warning of infection and are then urged to buy some software. In some cases, like mine a couple of weeks ago your destop changes as well.:blushing:


Malwarebites will help but SmitFraud Fix is a more specific tool. All directions are in the link. It may take awhile to run (hours) but it will do a much more thorough job.


Danestress - I'd even reccomend you STILL run it even though your problem seems to be fixed.

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