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New to Homeschooling, Tapestry of Grace? Help!

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I am a mom who works from home. I have 3 little ones, 10 months, 7 & 9. This year in school has just been horrible. I feel they have learned more from me than they have from school, plus everything going on in our government is making me really nervous having them in school...so I have fully decide to take the leap into homeschooling. I feel such a wonderful peace about it. I KNOW once we find our groove it will be a great decision and lifestyle for our family. But...my brain hurts and I am crazy stressed about finding a curriculum! I like the idea of unit studies (studying history and science, electives together) I am so worried I will leave something out or they will get behind.


I originally decided on trying the tapestry of grace series and supplementing with a Math/Science curriculum...but now the more I have read I wonder if it will be way too parent involved and not enough student led. I would appreciate any insights or advice from more seasoned homeschool moms on this curriculum or other curriculum's that will keep my children ahead of the curve in school.


My goal with homeschooling is that they excel...in every area...and are able to be prepared for college (yes I am already stressing about homeschool highschool!) But also have a balanced biblical worldview in some of their lessons. I went to a private school and whatever curriculum they used was so Bible Biased that it was, in some areas, completely incorrect. I don't want to teach my children a watered down version of history or such a Christian view of history that they have an inaccurate view of the world.


Thank u so much for any insight!

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Deep breath. Every school option will leave gaps. There is no way to learn everything. All schools make choices. You will be fine.


I love Tapestry, but we didn't start until Ds was in sixth grade. I like it better for the older levels. I use the lower levels loosely with the you gets. Mostly we do Story of the World and that is what I recomm that you do. It is less teacher intensive--you can add as many or few extra books as you want and you can easily combine your two girls.


Sonlight ( which I used for years and still use for elementary lit),and My Father's World are other options that have lit integrated.

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What do you mean by "too parent involved" and "student led?" What do you mean by "Supplementing" with a math curriculum?

Those are good questions. Those terms could mean a few different things to different people.

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In my opinion, I would not recommend Tapestry for a new to homeschooling family unless you have a LOT of time for it. There's something called the ToG Fog, referencing how challenging ToG can be when you just get started with it. It has a LOT of stuff to it.


Don't get me wrong, it's a great program, but it really shines best with older kids (middle school and up).

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