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Ever enrolled in p.s. then changed your mind quickly?

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This is for a son who wants to explore playing varsity sports at the local public school. He's been told he would make the team, but wants to make sure it will be good for him given there may be some pretty serious locker room stuff he may not want to deal with.


He could enroll and scrimmage with the team for the summer and should be able to figure out by then if this will work. If not he'd need to promptly withdraw from the school before fall as the only reason he's considering it is for the sports.


Might tick some people off, but maybe not, as it just opens a spot for another player.

Anyone have any experience with this scenario or input?

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No experience, but it sounds like a smart plan to me.  It will allow him to get a realistic view of the situation before he has to commit to the school year.  Well, I guess you never have to commit to the school year - a student can be withdrawn at any time.  But, it would be nice not to have to change course in the midst of the school year.  Or feel like you are letting the team down.


Would you be willing to elaborate on "pretty serious locker room stuff"?  I'm curious...

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I enrolled my older son in 2nd grade and then withdrew him a few days before school started.  I also enrolled this same son at the alternative high school where he did all of his work at home (that I planned and taught) and I withdrew him four weeks before the end of the semester.


Nothing bad happened, if that is what you are wondering about.

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Part of me wishes I never heard this stuff. I was just about to sign him up when I found it all out. Immediately I needed to put the brakes on and reasses whether we do this at all. At the same time, this is someone else's experience. So his mileage will hopefully vary and trying it over the summer will give us a peek through the window before making a yearlong commitment.


Would you have had your son go that route Sue if you knew that stuff before his basketball career began at the h.s.?

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Oh gosh.  I would have voted against it.  However, I am odd man out in our family of 3. I was a sheltered private school girl.  Dh, otoh, had different experiences and may not have been disturbed by it.  The 2 males in my household both have very strong athletic desires.  I am thankful that ds could participate in PS sports without attending any classes at all at PS (due to low academic standards).  If I had heard anything like what you describe, I would have been talking to the coach.  I cannot imagine our coach being aware of that kind of behavior and not putting a stop to it.  I cannot imagine my son would have eagerly attended PE at PS if that kind of thing happened.


I once asked ds if anyone at PS ever harassed him.  His answer:  Mom, I'm 6'8''.  No one messes with me.  :mellow:

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I haven't read the other thread, but does your DS need to be enrolled at the school in order to participate in high school sports?   I think it may vary by state, but homeschooled students in FL are allowed to participate in high school athletics at the school for which they are zoned (as long as they are registered properly with the district).    We don't have direct experience with this yet, but my DS will be a freshman in the fall (and will continue to homeschool), and plans to practice with the cross country team over the summer.   I have been told by coaches that as long as he practices consistently over the summer, he'll have a spot on at least the JV cross country team in the fall.   I realize basketball would be different, but that's the limited experience we have so far.

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