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Thrush in an 8 month old... what to do??

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Guest janainaz

Mine had it, I just remember giving them medicine by a dropper - don't know much about riding it out and I know it was uncomfortable for me. I'm all for riding it out if it will heal itself without too much discomfort.

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I'm not a doctor and I have never played one on tv. However, I have dealt with a lot of thrush. There is a oral gel that the dr can prescribe which cleared up thrush for me and my children. I have had it in my mouth as an adult and all I can say is it hurts really bad! Your dd is probably suffering. Also, if you are nursing then the thrush will spread to places where well, nursing takes place and trust me, that isn't pleasant either. Sad to say the last time this happened I had to take dd to her dr and I had to go across town to my dr. The one would not give me anything. All this said, if you are looking for natural remedies more homeopathic type stuff I don't have a clue and cannot help you there. HTH and dd is feeling better soon.

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Are you still nursing? I would personally say that if your little one is nursing ok and able to eat then wait until you can get her into the doctor on Monday. If it's bothering her or bleeding, I would take her in as soon as possible. I've never had thrush, but females get these type of infections in other parts of the body and if you've had one you know that it's very uncomfortable. Just a thought.


HTH and wasn't too gross,



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I know a child who had it when she was about 4 yo and able to talk about it - it hurt her a lot, deep in the throat. It felt like ground glass.


I would go by how much discomfort your child appears in.


If funds are an issue for medical care or meds, gentian violet swabbed on is an old remedy. Google it. It stains everything though so be wary & your child will have a stained mouth for a while.

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I've heard of moms who used yogurt with acidophilus on the breast before nursing. Or, sprinkle probiotic powder into a bit of water for baby.


You need to get her good bacteria (probiotics) back into her system.


One friend used Gentian Violet on the breast when she had thrush and her son also got it, but I don't know the procedure (i.e. whether baby can nurse on the breast with GV right away (and also get the benefit) or whether it only helps mom with mastitis issues.





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Guest Virginia Dawn

Vinegar. When newborn grandson and my 2yo son had thrush at the same time I swabbed their mouths and lips 3x a day with a q-tip soaked in vinegar until it was gone. Grandson had been on Nystatin and it was not working, the vinegar worked and the doctor said to keep on using it.

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