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From Rod&Staff math 7 to Algebra?


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Depends on the kid, and on the Algebra you want to jump into.


One of mine did R&S 7 last year and is doing BJU Pre-A this year.  R&S prepared him well. (I wanted to keep him in R&S 8, but it was of extreme, life-changing importance to him that he do a "Pre-A" course.  It HAD to say Pre-A" on the cover...)


Another boy did R&S 6 last year and is doing Dolciani Pre-A (Accelerated Course) this year.  R&S prepared him well.


I really like R&S math--bit by bit, it lays a great foundation.  If you have a child who is more naturally mathy, you could skip 8 (or even 7..), and jump right into a different Pre-A or Algebra. If I had an 8th grader who was really struggling with fluency in basic operations, I would continue with R&S 8.  It does include some Pre-A type work in the final chapters.


There have been other posters whose children did R&S through 8 and then into Algebra--Colleen in NS, and Beth in Central TX come to mind...



Edited by Zoo Keeper
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Thanks for the replies.  No, not particularly mathy in this case.  She is very comfortable with Rod & Staff and I think the slow, incremental teaching of new material is just what she needs.  She is half a year ahead, so we might be able to squeeze in 8 before officially beginning Algebra in 8th grade.

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Thanks for the replies.  No, not particularly mathy in this case.  She is very comfortable with Rod & Staff and I think the slow, incremental teaching of new material is just what she needs.  She is half a year ahead, so we might be able to squeeze in 8 before officially beginning Algebra in 8th grade.


Then I would take a look at Math-U-See. Give her the placement test first, though, and wherever it says to place her, *believe* it. ;)  When I gave my dd the placement test for MUS and found her to be borderline between Pre-Alg and whatever's before that, I went ahead and put her in Pre-Alg.  But then I found that I had to go back and use the R&S 7th grade book to fill in some gaps as we attempted to move through Pre-Alg... we sort of toggled back and forth for a while.  Eventually she could move on and complete Pre-Alg, and it worked out fine.  I'm just saying that the MUS placement test for MUS curriculum is pretty accurate.  

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