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Anyone used Where the Brook and River Meet?

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My daughter is using Where the Brook and River Meet from Cadron Creek as part of her grade 9 year starting in the fall.  I was wondering if anyone here has used it?


I'd love to hear your thoughts on the program.  Are there any of the suggested books that you loved or didn't like at all?  Did you find any great go along books?


I'm in planning mode! 




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On 5/5/2016 at 7:52 PM, 8filltheheart said:

Here is a link where I describe what we did when dd was in 7th.  http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/317513-x-post-beautiful-autumn-metaphorpersonification-example/?p=3739276  (This dd is a very strong student and for the most part, she was functioning like a high schooler in 7th grade.)

Hi - I was doing a search for this unit study by Cadron Creek and saw your link. It no longer works. I’d love to see what you used if you still have it written up 😊

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