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Hannah, a question about your spelling program


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I was reading the thread about spelling plus and AAS and it got me to thinking about the real cost behind AAS. This year I was able to purchase used but we will soon be moving overseas do that may not be possible next year. Which leads me to my questions about Word Attack, your spelling program on LULU.


-Are you going to put any other levels, if so how many are you thinking about and when would they be availabel? I'm afraid that we are already doing most of what's in level one this year.


-How does word attack compare to All About Spelling?


-What does a week with Word Attack look like? The samples have alot of information about the why's of the program, but I didn't get a good feel for what a lesson would actually look like.



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Are you going to put any other levels, if so how many are you thinking about and when would they be availabel?


I want to do one more level to cover multi-syllable words, syllable division, prefixing, suffixing, plurals, etc.


I'm working on it, but family health issues and work pressures are making progress slower than I had intended. I'm hoping to have it done for our new school year starting in January, but don't want to make any promises.


My intention for my daughter is that after she has learned the basic spelling rules, she moves onto a method like Spelling Wisdom that uses dictation as basis to learn spelling. We'll keep reviewing the rules as they come up.


-How does word attack compare to All About Spelling?

All I know of All About Spelling is what I've seen on their website. I think the similarities are that I have based Word Attack on basic spelling rules (Google spelling rules and a couple of lists come up) and offer dictation sentences.


Each lesson in Word Attack explains the spelling rule, provides the rule as a copywork sentence, gives spelling lists for the word (based on the read-copy-write-check method) and provides dictation sentences to practice the spelling rules.


You need only the workbook and loose paper for the sentences. It's very much a no-frills program. From their website I see that All About Spelling requires letter tiles and has other supplementary tools.


--What does a week with Word Attack look like?

The steps that would need to be covered are:


  1. Read and explain the rule to the student

  2. Copy the rule and put it up on the wall for review

  3. Read - copy - write and check the list of spelling words based on the rule as well as the sight word. Copy down any incorrectly spelled words.

  4. Practice the incorrectly spelled words again.

  5. Take down dictation sentences

  6. Review additional dictation sentences if required to cement the rule.


The above could be done in a week, but if required, take longer.


-- The samples have alot of information about the why's of the program, but I didn't get a good feel for what a lesson would actually look like.

Thanks for bringing the problem with the sample to my attention. I made a change a few months ago and somehow messed it up and ended up with only the first 10 pages in the preview. I've now put the entire book up in preview mode. I know that this means my work is now freely available, but I hope that anyone who uses it, will recognize the effort and choose to buy it.

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Your program looks great! I will be waiting to see the next level of it, we have AAS for the rest of this year. Although I may still get it for the dictation phrases. You certainly put alot of work into it and thanks for answering my questions.


By the way, there is a way to pick and choose what pages your show on Lulu, that way you don't have to show the whole book, PM if you want to know how.


Thanks again!

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Wow, I have never seen this before, but it looks really good. I think we are beyond the first level but I am definitely going to keep my eyes open for the release of your second level. We are also currently using AAS but I leave quite a bit out and don't like spending so much on spelling. I may also consider this for my younger kiddos when we get to this point (in a year or two). Thanks for your hard work.

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