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Anyone put their child in high school in 11th grade?

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This is a big MAYBE situation, but I like to think through everything.


I can't share details, but I'm wondering if anyone here has put their always been homeschooled son or daughter in a public high school for the last 2 years.


How did it go?  Did your child adjust?  


I'm not asking about transferring credits.  I wouldn't do it if I couldn't transfer all of his classes, the issue I'm looking at is social and adjustment to the school setting.  



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Yep, did it this year.   He has mixed feelings about it.  He loves having the teachers to talk to, but is still struggling academically (poor study skills.)  Socially he seems to have found his nerdy niche, but the language around him was quite shocking!  He says he very much appreciates how protected he's been, but also thinks he was old enough to handle the eye opening.   (He did lose some credits, but was still able to graduate on time.)   Although I will be bringing younger siblings home, he will remain in public school for his senior year...I feel it will give him more opportunity to learn those needed study skills than I could provide at home.

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We've done this with our 2 oldest sons.  It has gone fairly well.  We will likely be transitioning the younger two a bit earlier since I'm getting rather tired of homeschooling.


There were a few gaps such as how the teacher expected science labs to be written up.  Generally, they performed much like they did at home.  They're neither rocket scientists, nor slow.


This was a planned transition to prepare them for college and a classroom environment.  They also needed more exposure to different types of people.  Neither wanted to go.


I have seen a couple of transitions that have gone poorly, mostly due to large gaps in parental beliefs between what a child is capable of and what the school's expectations are.  This includes both material mastered and workload and behavioural expectations.  It is to your child's benefit to be realistic and as objective as possible as to their prerequisite abilities.

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I'm not too worried about the workload.  Right now he's involved in a co-op that has pretty tough classes.  He does ok, not great, but not bad.  The hard part will be the daily classes as well as the daily expectations.  He's not a very social person, so that could be hard too.


Thanks for sharing.  I woke up 4:30 this morning thinking about this.  :001_rolleyes:

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A dear homeschooling friend did so with her 10th and 11th grade DSs. It was the only way they could play varsity basketball. The transition was fine, DSs did well, and even earned scholarships to the local state university by being able to take and score high on the state competency test required of public school students. While both DSs really loved homeschooling, the love of getting to play varsity ball outweighed the the minor annoyances and negatives of public school.


The only slight glitch was the 2 semesters of dual enrollment Spanish that one of the boys had taken, were only counted as 0.5 credit each, rather than 1.0 credit -- and so he had to take Spanish II at the high school, which was basically a slow year-long repeat of the second semester of dual enrollment Spanish to fulfill the foreign language requirement.



BEST of luck in making your decision, and wishing your DS and your family a wonderful last 2 years of high school, whatever that looks like! :) Warmest regards, Lori D.

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I haven't but some good friends of ours put their daughters in school in 11th grade this year. They are doing wonderfully; they have made loads of friends, are involved in extracurricular sand the social life of the school and are doing well academically. One of them tends to be a little shy and withdrawn but she has really blossomed.



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