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Is this normal?

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My 8 yr old is a great reader and great at math. But she STILL occasionally writes some numbers and letters backward. When I say occasionally, I mean about once a day. Maybe that is more than occasional. The worst offenders are "2", "5". "6", "S", and yesterday she even wrote "E" backward. It is driving me crazy! But I don't know if this is normal or if something is wrong?? Help!

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My 7 yr old dd is doing 5th grade math and reading high school level books for fun and she is a big time offender of writing backwards. My dd is left-handed which I assumed was contributing to the issue- since she covers up what she has just written with her left hand. Is your dd by chance left-handed? I am looking forward to what others have to say about this... I have asked an educational psychologist who said it "can" be normal up to about age 8 or 9...



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My 7 yr old dd is doing 5th grade math and reading high school level books for fun and she is a big time offender of writing backwards. My dd is left-handed which I assumed was contributing to the issue- since she covers up what she has just written with her left hand. Is your dd by chance left-handed? I am looking forward to what others have to say about this... I have asked an educational psychologist who said it "can" be normal up to about age 8 or 9...




She is left handed! I had thought of mentioning that, but I thought it was irrelevant. Interesting.

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I hope I didn't change the topic of your original question- I apologize if I did... My daughter writes whole words and sentences backwards.... She has improved since I gently brought it to her attention. But, it is causing problems with math especially, since she is starting to do algebra and geometry- the math requires her to write down the steps and she is getting problems wrong when she writes 31 instead of 13 in the middle of a multiple step problem.... I am hoping that by sitting by her side during writing she will accept my gentle correction & reminders.


Anyway, if this is off your original topic of "is this normal" please disregard.


I am really interested in hearing other people's insight into this issue...



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I hope I didn't change the topic of your original question- I apologize if I did... My daughter writes whole words and sentences backwards.... She has improved since I gently brought it to her attention. But, it is causing problems with math especially, since she is starting to do algebra and geometry- the math requires her to write down the steps and she is getting problems wrong when she writes 31 instead of 13 in the middle of a multiple step problem.... I am hoping that by sitting by her side during writing she will accept my gentle correction & reminders.


Anyway, if this is off your original topic of "is this normal" please disregard.


I am really interested in hearing other people's insight into this issue...




Oh no, it's fine! Anna does not write entire words/sentences backward, just individual numbers and letters. The thing is, when I tell her to look at it again, she realizes what she did wrong most of the time. Maybe she is growing out of it...

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I hope I didn't change the topic of your original question- I apologize if I did... My daughter writes whole words and sentences backwards.... She has improved since I gently brought it to her attention. But, it is causing problems with math especially, since she is starting to do algebra and geometry- the math requires her to write down the steps and she is getting problems wrong when she writes 31 instead of 13 in the middle of a multiple step problem.... I am hoping that by sitting by her side during writing she will accept my gentle correction & reminders.


Anyway, if this is off your original topic of "is this normal" please disregard.


I am really interested in hearing other people's insight into this issue...




The way your daughter writes is called mirror writing. Leonardo Da Vinci wrote this way.

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My right handed 8 year old dd writes some numbers and letters backward, most often they are 3, 4 and 5 and 6 and d, n, p, s and sometimes e.

When I was her age I wrote backward letters as well (I am left handed). I just keep correcting and watching for improvement and wondering about dyslexia...I'm not concerned enough to have her tested for it yey though.


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My youngest did mirror writing. One day he wrote the entire alphabet completely backwards from right to left.

He is left handed and I assumed it was the reason and didn't dwell on it much. He eventually came up with his own version of d/b...he drew one line down the middle and put a lump on both side at the bottom. Eventually it just went away and I miss those days! I do hope when I go back thru his early school papers I have one with his little made up letter!

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Our whiteboard tray has a paper taped to the edge with a B b D d on it because dd(now10) got her b's and d's mixed up until, oh, yesterday or so. :) Just keep giving her visual cues, expect her to correct it without losing your/her cool, and she'll get it. I wouldn't worry.

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