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How does one balance their hormones? Female Content


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I was diagnosed with PCOS at 19. I was told there wasn't much they could do since I wasn't trying to get pregnant. I had been having difficulties with my cycles since I was 15.  I gained a bit of weight, and had some acne. They tried to me on BC but it didn't regulate anything and made me feel awful. 


I later married, eventually got pregnant, and now have 5 children, though my cycles were still never very regular. I'm now 4 years out from my youngest and my cycles are anywhere from 45-95 days apart. I'm still overweight and while working hard to lose, it's coming off only very slowly. I am on Metformin to try and regulate things, but not sure how well it's working.  My body tries to ovulate (lots of changes) but it seems to build up to it and not actually happen until the 3rd try or so. It makes me feel like I'm on a roller coastal of physical and emotional symptoms.


So, my question: is there something I can do to regulate my hormones. Is there a way to bring my body back into balance without other medications? Anything anyone else has done?

Edited by indigomama
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My Gyn put me on progesterone for 10 days a month to regulate my period. I went into it kicking and screaming, as I hate unnecessary medicine, and didn't want surgery.




I know it's not for everyone, but I LOVE IT. I sleep like a rock. I'm less stressed. I'm more awake. Day one it was NOTICEABLE. It is amazing. It has helped a lot with periods (they've still been a little wonky, but better).


I'd talk with your GYN. It was so worth it for me.

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You need to see a doctor who knows about PCOS. I don't suffer from it, but I have friends who do.  There is so much more help available for you than the Metformin.


Have you looked at PCOS support boards? There are boards, there are books, there is a lot of information out there. 


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My Gyn put me on progesterone for 10 days a month to regulate my period. I went into it kicking and screaming, as I hate unnecessary medicine, and didn't want surgery.




I know it's not for everyone, but I LOVE IT. I sleep like a rock. I'm less stressed. I'm more awake. Day one it was NOTICEABLE. It is amazing. It has helped a lot with periods (they've still been a little wonky, but better).


I'd talk with your GYN. It was so worth it for me.


I admit I have not been to a gyn in some years, I've just been seeing a PCP. We've recently moved, and I'm thinking I need to find a new PCP and a new gyn. 


Will you need to be on progesterone until menopause or just until things get better regulated for you? 

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You need to see a doctor who knows about PCOS. I don't suffer from it, but I have friends who do.  There is so much more help available for you than the Metformin.


Have you looked at PCOS support boards? There are boards, there are books, there is a lot of information out there. 


I will ask around and see if I can find a doctor more knowledgable in PCOS. And no I have not read anything in a while on PCOS. I will do a little research. If you hear of any great sites or books, please let me know.

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Hmm, I have the same questions but it's my adrenal hormone DHEA that is out of whack. My ovulation has really slowed over the past couple of years and my doctor gave me a hesitant dx of PCOS based on symptoms. I have asked about Metformin but he hasn't gotten back to me on that yet. I'm interested to hear if a higher dose of Metformin might straighten things out for you.

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I will ask around and see if I can find a doctor more knowledgable in PCOS. And no I have not read anything in a while on PCOS. I will do a little research. If you hear of any great sites or books, please let me know.


I don't know anything specific but I have seen many boards and also books. That is mainly because I have my own hormonal issue that I have been dealing with on my own.


I have low progesterone. Looking back on my life it is really really obvious that there was a problem but it never got taken seriously.  It wasn't until I went to a fertility clinic due to many miscarriages that it got diagnosed. But then, when I asked if it was something that I was going to have to treat I was told it was only an issue if I want to get pregnant.


Well..no. It doesn't work like that. You can just walk around your whole life with your hormones out of wack and feel good, kwim? But, there hasn't been much help from western institutional medicine. I'm pretty much on my own.


It has been doing my research etc that I have come across lots of PCOS stuff. That and friends who are dealing with it.  I haven't really focused much on it, enough to share anyway, because it's not a challenge I face.  But I do know that there are online forums, some books on amazon, and that some doctors can be more helpful that others. I also know there are dietary recommendations.


In my mind, PCOS is one of those things that merits some special attention.  You deserve to have a doctor who understands what you are dealing with and doesn't just write a script because that's what she gives everyone with PCOS. And don't be afraid to explore outside what can be prescribed.  I have found acupuncture and some specific herbs and other OTC etc to be very helpful. 

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I admit I have not been to a gyn in some years, I've just been seeing a PCP. We've recently moved, and I'm thinking I need to find a new PCP and a new gyn.


Will you need to be on progesterone until menopause or just until things get better regulated for you?

Until menopause. Though I honestly feel SO MUCH better I don't care how long I have to take it. That's hard for an oil loving hippie chick to say, but really, it's an amazing difference. I'd find a gyn and get to the root issue. You're worth it.

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I treated my PCOS naturally and got my hormones back on track with these:


Vitex (hormone regulating herb).

D-chiro inositol (helps with insulin sensitizing)

Chromium picolinate (ditto)

Low carb diet (ditto)


Go to the SoulCysters boards if they're still around. They have a board for natural treatment.

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I treated my PCOS naturally and got my hormones back on track with these:


Vitex (hormone regulating herb).

D-chiro inositol (helps with insulin sensitizing)

Chromium picolinate (ditto)

Low carb diet (ditto)


Go to the SoulCysters boards if they're still around. They have a board for natural treatment.


How much d-chiro inositol did you take and how long before you started seeing results?

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I treated my PCOS naturally and got my hormones back on track with these:


Vitex (hormone regulating herb).

D-chiro inositol (helps with insulin sensitizing)

Chromium picolinate (ditto)

Low carb diet (ditto)


Go to the SoulCysters boards if they're still around. They have a board for natural treatment.


Thank you! I will look into all of these. Are you still taking all of these supplements, or did they regulate things enough for you to stop taking them? How long after starting them did you experience changes?


 I was looking at the SoulCysters board today, there does seem to be a lot of information on it. I'll keep reading through it. 

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