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Dual Credit Foreign Language question - How many classes = 2 years of foreign language

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We have noticed this variation in college language class credit:


3 credits: most classes at most universities, meeting MWF or TTh

4 credits: the first 2 or 3 classes in the sequence, meeting 4 times a week with the 4th more of a recitation section, even though the "lecture" has less than 20 students

5 credits: intensive classes that cover 2 semesters' worth in one semester, meeting MTWThF

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Our experience is the same as Matryoshka's. Most classes are 3 credit our classes. Classes which meet more than MWF or TH are usually 4, like a science with a lab. The only 5 hr classes we have seen are science classes which have a recitation class in addition to lectures and labs.


Quarter system schools vs semester schools are where I have seen the higher # for credit hrs. I have never looked, but I would assume that more than your typical 120 hrs is therefore required for a degree.


128 credits minimum is required here.

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