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Bio in 8th or wait....Xpost

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I am cross posting this from the Logic Board......


First of all, dd12 is partial to Life Sciences. She wants to become a vet or have a career involving animals. She will be taking pre-algebra next year, doing some this year, gearing up for Algebra 1 in 9th. This year we have covered Earth science for 1st semester....she loathes this....my plan was to finish up the year with physical science. For the last couple weeks she has been going through certain topics in her science encyclopedias & making a slideshow presentation on what she has learned each day, plus watching videos. (I assumed they were physical science related topics....low and behold, she is studying animals again!)


So, on that note I am trying to decide if I should have her take my co-op class using The Elements & Carbon Chemistry for 8th or take the HS Biology class and count that for HS credit leaving her to take AP Bio later in HS. Ugh! I'm afraid that Bio would be to heavy of a load......and depending on her math pace, I wouldn't want it to become a dreaded class.


Any advice?

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Since Bio isn't a math science, it's a read, study, etc. subject. We did not do Bio early because dd struggled with math, and I was worried she wouldn't be ready for the math in Chem. What we should have done was Bio and then Advanced Bio and then Marine Bio or another science if she wasn't ready for Chem. I would go ahead with high school Bio for a student headed into the sciences.


Fwiw, passion and interest should help through any rough patches.

Edited by 1Togo
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Since Bio isn't a math science, it's a read, study, etc. subject. We did not do Bio early because dd struggled with math, and I was worried she wouldn't be ready for the math in Chem. What we should have done was Bio and then Advanced Bio and then Marine Bio or another science if she wasn't ready for Chem. I would go ahead with high school Bio for a student headed into the sciences.


Fwiw, passion and interest should help through any rough patches.

Thank you for the reassurance!

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I'd let her jump into the bio course. There's advanced bio, anatomy and phys., marine bio, equine, and such she could fill up on while her math is catching up for chem and physics.


My DS/12 wants high school bio for 8th grade, but it's not because he's passionate about it. He's passionate about science in general and truly enjoys bio, but it's definitely not his favorite. Aerospace, chem, physics, astronomy, earth, now those he reads about in his free time. His plan is to get bio out of the way so he can spend high school doing what he loves. FWIW, he'll be taking alg 1 alongside bio.

Edited by SilverMoon
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I would wait. Of course, the AP bio class I found for dd was an Anatomy class. If it is a true AP bio class that goes over everything, then go ahead. Dd found that having bio in 8th made it not quite as fresh when she hit college. She still did great, but it would have made it easier if it hadn't been quite so long ago when she had it in high school! She had not problem taking bio in 8th though.

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My life sciences girl did Biology in 7th, Chemistry in 8th, and will most likely do 2 science courses in 9th: AP Physics 1 or Physics or AP Environmental and Marine Biology.  In 10th, she'll take AP Biology, and by 11th or 12th grade we'll be looking into organic chemistry and/or microbiology She has the math credentials, so this isn't an issue for her.  I'm not worried about her having to re-take Biology in college.  She's steeped in it.  While it won't be as "fresh" -- she'll have a wide background that she will have found interesting and challenging.


Your daughter's math levels will be the major things you'll have to side-step.  There are plenty of courses you could use and adapt from: Study.com, Edx.org, Coursera.org, GA Virtual Learning (Resourses/Shared Resources/Science), and The Great Courses that she could explore many facets of Biology and Veterinary Science -- labs could be your biggest sticking point with some things. Take a look at some of what's out there.


From a foundational standpoint, She'll need Biology, Conceptual Physics (which she may hate, but Physics is kind of the basis for all other sciences -- it sets the rules, and with Physical science, which she's studying, impacts Biology because you're studying their ecosystems -- which directly impact the part of science she's extremely interested in -- PLUS many Biology programs require a course in Physics for non-Physics majors anyway, so it's good to have a foundation there), and she will need Chemistry BEFORE AP Biology.  


She's in Prealgebra now, so Biology is fine.  It's what comes AFTER that gets more challenging.  Here are some suggestions.


8th -- Biology 

9th -- Conceptual Physics (Algebra based, but not heavy on math) with Algebra 1 and half of Geomtery

10th -- Chemistry (with Algebra two), and 2nd half of Geometry

11th -- AP Biology, Precalculus

12th -- Take your pick!  Marine Biology, AP Environmental Science, Organic Chemistry, Microbiology, etc., Calculus


OR if math is a real struggle, you'll probably need to do something like this:


8th -- Biology

9th -- Marine Biology - Algebra 1

10th -- Conceptual Physics -- Algebra 2

11th -- Chemistry -- Geometry with Algebra review

12th -- AP Biology -- Precalculus


She's going to have to take Chemistry and Biology in college anyway -- especially if it's her major.  If she's worried about everything not being "fresh" before she leaves for college, have her run through the EDX "Preparing for the AP Biology Exam" lectures, or Bozeman Science Lectures, or re-read her Biology textbook, or any combination of the above.

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