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Reminder Pride and Prejudice on PBS tonight

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OT - I have this and I have watched it alot. I also have North and South, Wives and Daughters, and Jane Eyre, all of which I have watched a few times in the last six months. (We don't subscribe to cable.) While I was at the library the other day, I checked out the audio section looking for some college classical courses and discovered Jane Eyre. I borrowed it and read it on my job, which is driving 2 hours at a time 3X a week. I am starting to "think" in the Brittish accent and yesterday I started talking to my kids in Brittish accent. They couldn't stop laughing and making fun of me.


After watching these movies do you ever just start talking in Brittish?

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I am rereading Pride and Prejudice for my book club. Yesterday when I was talking to my son I started talking in the style of Jane Austen. My ds of course said "Mom, why are you talking like that? I adore British accents but can't speak in one to save myself. I am great at Scotish though. So whenever I am reading aloud a book, and it calls for an accent of the Bristish Isles in my reading it comes out Scotish.

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No. I saw the Colin Firth one once, but I have to say that I preferred the one with David Rintoul as Mr. D'Arcy and Elizabeth Garvie as Elizabeth Bennett. I'm putting a link here to a helpful comparison someone put on ebay discussing the pros and cons of each of the versions. While a bit of this has to do with the fact that I was just the right age to go for the dark and brooding type when I first saw this (I've seen it 3 times and it's what got me to finally read the book) most of it has to do with the comments in this link. It's the most helpful favourable review, naturally, since it's my favourite, but I put the link with the most helpful unfavourable review in the interests of fairness since I'd like to think I'm mature enough to accept that some people will like Colin Firth better:D



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but my TIVO didn't tape the other shows........and I work on Sunday nights...........does anyone know if they are going to reshow any of these?? I was so mad I can't tell you as I had been looking forward to seeing the new productions. I even told all my friends and THEY all got to see them and I missed them...........grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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