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Star Wars books for an (almost) 10 year old fan?

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Star Wars Clone Wars Adventures by Dark Horse Comics (Nice Graphic Novels)



If you are studying Shakespeare then these books by Ian Doescher:
Verily a New Hope

The Empire Striketh Back

The Jedi Doth Return



Star Wars Jedi Academy series by Jeffrey Brown. 

Also check out his star wars themed picture books. 



Not as popular. But if he is into reading to himself this might be a good level:

Star Wars series by Paul Davids and Hollace Davids



Star Wars Omnibus Volume 1 and 2

Edited by Julie Smith
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I don't know that I would call the Jude Watson books "literature", but they were a fun, easy read.


Haha, yeah, I wasn't sure how to put it, but basically  he can handle pretty high levels :) I just requested a few of the Jude Watson books!

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My 9yo dd has read and enjoyed the Young Jedi Knights series, by Kevin J Anderson and Rebecca Moesta (although they don't match Force Awakens), the novelizations of the movies, the Jedi Apprentice series (about a young Obi-Wan, set prior to Phantom Menace), the Jedi Quest series (about a young Anakin, set between Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones), and Timothy Zahn's Heir to Empire trilogy (also doesn't match Force Awakens, but they are so dang awesome everyone ought to read them ;)).

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