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When should dd change her intended major?


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We've been told very different things, so wanted to gather opinions here. :)


DD was debating between two majors when she applied in early November to several universities. Some of the universities only had one of the majors she was considering, so in those cases, she obviously chose *that* major on her application. With the universities that had options for both majors - she selected the (rarer) engineering major.


So - she's been accepted to two universities now as a pre-engineering major ... but is starting to lean toward the other (non-engineering) major.


Should she contact universities NOW and notify them? Or is it okay to wait?


I'd like to wait as late as possible to give her time to mull over it a bit more. But, is this more crucial than I am thinking? Especially for those schools who are currently reviewing her application?


(I know one university she applied to spreads out their honors college invitations amongst ALL of the majors that uni offers... so right now she's competing with other engineering majors for however many "spots" they have at the honors college. I am assuming that the engineering college probably has, on-average, some of the highest GPAs and ACT/SAT scores for that university, which could hamper her shot at their honors college... but other than that, is there a compelling reason to switch now?)


Thanks! :)

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This is a tough call when she's just leaning more toward one than the other.


I think I would leave it as it is and let her take freshmen classes in both to decide for sure.


With the Honors College bit, if you truly think it could make a difference, perhaps you could notify that one, but I'd hesitate to do so if it meant she couldn't sign up for an Engineering class to know for sure.



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Some schools are very specialized in engineering programs. She would likely need to change before she enrolls. However, I doubt she has to inform schools now. Additionally, at many schools the engineering program is harder to get into. Someone admitted to engineering would likely have been admitted to other programs, but not always the other way around.


Do you know how competitive the programs in both degrees are within each college? Do you know whether students transfer within those degree programs set each college? I guess I'd do a little research in that direction before formally notifying schools.

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Generally, there will not be a problem if she waits until she enrolls to change her major.  There may be an advantage at some schools if she knows what she wants to major in and starts in that major.  Some depends on how closely related the two major are.  For example, engineering would probably require a different math sequence than business would.  How fixed a common core of classes will be across different majors will also vary from school to school.  There may be some scholarship opportunities for particular majors that he would qualify for.  At some universities, major is a consideration in housing.

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At my university, it was easier to be accepted into the engineering college than it was to switch into it after you were enrolled.  So my sister applied as an engineering major, even though she wasn't sure, and later switched to a math major (which was easy - she was welcomed with open arms ;)).

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