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Singapore or Horizons? 2nd Grade "Repeat" math


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My DD is finishing up 2nd Grade CLE.  It has gone fantastically.  However, math is not her strong area and I don't want to just jump ahead to 3rd grade CLE.  She actually "hates" math and just told me that she is "willing to work hard in other areas, just not math."  :/ We school year-round so she has time to do another 2nd grade program to finish out our year.  I'm thinking something "fun" and in color to keep her fresh and give her a solid review.  We do RSC during Loop time (math year for us), but don't want to make that our new core math.  So, solid math program in color seems like a fun idea.  I'm thinking Singapore or Horizons...any advice??  We plan on picking back up with CLE in the summer/fall.  

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I have one child who is bright but really does not like to work. I switched her from CLE to Singapore at the end of second grade. I love CLE but this kid was not seeing the bit picture and getting conceptual understanding. That took off with Singapore. For this child Singapore has been great...except that she wants to do it herself and not let me teach her.


CLE has been perfect for two of my other children, especially for one who got frustrated with Singapore. Once we are through the Singapore primary series, I may go back to CLE for pre-algebra for more intense practice in order to increase fluency. That is the one drawback of Singapore. To get around that, for now, I added in Daily Math Practice by Evan Moor. Five problems a day to review past concepts, low stress and effective.

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I am considering the same idea for Miss Priss.


Singapore/Math In Focus/MEP/Math Mammoth is soo different from CLE so unless you plan to switch completely, I would not use these as a review.


Horizons would be my pick of the two you mentioned because it is similar to CLE. I was considering McRuffy Math as it is also colorful and fun-ish. But every full program will have its own way of presenting concepts and its own order for doing so. The same would be true for BJU or ABeka (just the workbooks).


I like the idea of EvanMoor as a fill-in without taking on a new full curriculum. Nice short daily review, low stress but keeps things fresh.


Guess I'm not much help! :)

Edited by Paradox
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Either would do. However, I think I'd try Singapore b/c it is different. Horizon's is a great program, but it may feel too much like CLE if she is "repeating" kwim. Singapore is easier to skip around in, too, for subjects she is solid in. Horizons is much hard to do that with.

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Dd 11 used SIngapore for 3rd and 4th, and switched to Horizons for 5th and now 6th. She much prefers Horizons with its spiraling review. Does your dd like to focus on one topic at a time with more of a concept-focus? Then do Singapore. Singapore is also easier to accelerate, if your plan to to cover all of second grade. Does she need to keep reviewing past concepts to keep them fresh? Then Horizons is better. I find the Horizons program hard to accelerate, but I've only used 5th and 6th grade. There are 160 lessons plus 20 tests = 180 days of work. 


One other thought. Might this be a good time to focus on math facts? Having the facts solid is an enormous boost to math skills. My girls really enjoyed Reflex math online.

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I think I'd try Singapore b/c it is different. Horizon's is a great program, but it may feel too much like CLE if she is "repeating" kwim. 


I thought that might be a good ideas, too.  I also really want to help her build her mental math skills and I thought Singapore was good in that area.  


Dd 11 used SIngapore for 3rd and 4th, and switched to Horizons for 5th and now 6th. She much prefers Horizons with its spiraling review. Does your dd like to focus on one topic at a time with more of a concept-focus? Then do Singapore. Singapore is also easier to accelerate, if your plan to to cover all of second grade. Does she need to keep reviewing past concepts to keep them fresh? Then Horizons is better. I find the Horizons program hard to accelerate, but I've only used 5th and 6th grade. There are 160 lessons plus 20 tests = 180 days of work. 


One other thought. Might this be a good time to focus on math facts? Having the facts solid is an enormous boost to math skills. My girls really enjoyed Reflex math online.


If we are using Singapore as a review, would I need the HIG?  And which edition to you use?  I wish I knew what she liked.  Accelerated would prob be the way to go.  She plays Reflex Math everyday:)  That has really helped with her facts.  

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Me personally. I am a huge Singapore fan. You can get the practice booms to go back and spiral.

Thats what we do plus.

The visible thinkin for Singapore is even more practice and takes them deeper and more of an overall number sense going thru the grades and big picture.


I have all the Singapore practice books.


Word problems

Visual thinking

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