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9/18 exerciser thread

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co-op is today so I needed to get out early. Remember the other day when I said it was after 11 pm and 80 degrees, I couldn't wait for the fall weather? Well, we're getting it already, at least a little taste. It was 58 when I got dressed to run!


Same route again, still shorter! 2.75 mi. 27:42, 10:04 pace, 319 cal. Amazing what cooler weather, and someone behind you will do for your pace! :tongue_smilie:

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Same route again, still shorter! 2.75 mi. 27:42, 10:04 pace, 319 cal. Amazing what cooler weather, and someone behind you will do for your pace! :tongue_smilie:


Wow! Great for you. I love that cooler weather.


I did 45 min with 3.75miles. I have some weights and stretching to get done later


Good job, Lynn. I wish I could run that far.


Ds had work he could do independently this morning so I was able to get in a wonderful long walk. It is a beautiful morning here.


Way to go. I may be going back to walking myself so I love to hear how far you go.


I'm not running until further notice. I went back to my dr yesterday about my sciatica pain. She has advised me to not run until after I've had some relief with physical therapy and to work with the therapist on a plan to get back to it. I'm scared that I will never get back to it if I quit now and I have no idea how long it will be - 1 week, 1 month? So, now I'm looking for something in addition to tkd to do to keep me going until I can get back to the road. The dr mentioned biking but I'm not sure if it will be any less painful for me right now. Walking doesn't seem to bother me, but doesn't give the cardio workout that I need. Any other suggestions?

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