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grading HS courses...I have a question

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I have been recording grades up to this point, (9th grade) and now I have decided I need to get organized and actually figure out her grade...so I need to figure out how to weigh the different parts of her work (homework, labs for science, test, quizzes, etc).  So how do you weigh each of these things?  Do you actually give a grade for each homework assignment or just a general grade?  I haven't been keeping record of each and every grade but I do grade her work....


please help me sort this out.  thanks.

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Everyone does it differently, just like teachers.


I only grade tests and papers (which includes labs). Once in a while she might have a quiz if I want to make sure an important topic is solid before moving on to the next item. We decided this year to treat dd like she's taking college classes :)

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I do not grade homework assignments and do not give quizzes. I prefer to make the grading structure as easy and transparent as possible.

In math, I base the grade on one final exam.

In sciences, three tests per semester. Lab and homework has to be completed to my satisfaction.

English and history is based on writing assignments.

This year in bio, I will not give written tests, but periodic oral exams and assign a few papers.


I teach to mastery. I make the kids work long enough on each concept that they master it to my satisfaction. When that is achieved, they receive their grade.

I do not need to mimic a school setup where I give points as an incentive for completing the problem sets or reading the section - they just do those. 


ETA: In electives I give a grade of P for participation. I only give letter grades in the core subjects.

Edited by regentrude
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It's been helpful to me to see how ds's online classes work.

His chem grade is 34% tests, 34% graded homework and 33% labs

His computer science is 60% tests, 15% quiz, 15% labs, 10% participation (100 for just completing projects)

His spanish is something like 60% tests, 40% quizes and 10% homework (again just completing--not graded).


I have started giving 10% credit for completing and correcting to mastery his math work.


In English, I grade his papers (and he can redo ones below 90) and average them with his grade for his online lit class--which is something like 80% participation graded on a rubric and 20% quarterly oral lit analysis presentations.


PE is purely participation.


Hope that helps.

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