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Earlier this week, my almost-5yo decided he's a beginning reader!  :hurray:


So now I've been through nearly every possible path. I've handed a child some letter flashcards and a Leap Pad and had a basic reader at 3 years old.  I've followed HOP and had a basic reader at 4.  I've tried to push HOP and AAS on a child at a "standard" age and was fought until it began to naturally clicked around 6.  I've ignored formal instruction with an uninterested and easily frustrated child and woke up one day to a 7yo solid reader.  And I've played a little bit with letter sounds with a vaguely interested kid, and stumbled across him putting sounds together a few weeks before his 5th birthday.


Whichever way we went, the beginning reading period has always been my favorite.  That light bulb that turns on, the infinite doors that open up, the confidence that emerges...  It's intoxicating to me!


And this is the last time I will witness that particular event.  :crying:

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