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College deposits

Ellen in PA

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My dd has a few acceptances, but has to wait until mid February for one of her top choices.  She would like to deposit on another school before she hears in February to get a good choice for housing.  The deposit is refundable at school B.  Is there any problems that can occur by depositing on a school that she may not attend?


Thanks for your insights!

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Hmm, the link below says it's acceptable to do only if you are on a waiting list for a different school. 





  • Because the student is on a waiting list at one college and wants to ensure enrollment somewhere in case of being turned down. This scenario is the only one in which NACAC considers double depositing acceptable.

Could you possibly ask the first school if she can pay the housing deposit without officially accepting the school? If you explain the situation and they say it's okay with them for her to accept while waiting, then I would have no problem doing that (because you can then explain to the 2nd school, should it happen to come up, that you were not deceitful and that the first school knew you might not attend). 


If they have refundable deposits, I'm thinking they are okay with people changing their minds. 

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As long as the school says the deposit isn't binding, I see no harm in it.  By having the deposits refundable, it sure sounds like they aren't binding.


Binding deposits tend to be non-refundable and are an agreement between the student and the school that they will be attending.  It's unethical to submit more than one of these.  The only reasons they ought to be broken are due to getting in elsewhere off a wait list or serious health issues, etc.  Schools need to plan upon those who say they are coming actually coming... but it sounds like School B in your case is ok with just knowing they are still on the "maybe" list.

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As long as the school says the deposit isn't binding, I see no harm in it.  By having the deposits refundable, it sure sounds like they aren't binding.


I agree.


If the school is willing to refund the deposit, it isn't binding. They are hoping it increases commitment level, but recognize some aren't going to follow through. You are ok to put down the deposits for the sake of housing priority and change your mind if her top choice comes through. 

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