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Horizons Pre-Algebra and Algebra I

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As usual, I'm planning way ahead. It's somewhat sort of an illness.  ;)


My current 5th grading is using Horizons math. We've been using Horizons since 2nd grade and it has been a good fit for my daughter. I'm not in love with the teacher's guides as they don't seem to offer much help except for providing answer keys. This hasn't been a problem and on the few occasions where we've needed additional help I've used Khan Academy. I'm not strong in math and may need additional help as we get into upper levels. 

My tentative plan is to use Horizons 6, skip grade 7 and go into their pre-algebra book and then on to Algebra 1. If I went this route what should I use for Algebra II? I already have Teaching Textbook Algebra II, but am not sure I want to go that route with her.


Any other recommendations for when we hit pre-algebra and algebra?  My daughter does well, but I wouldn't say that she has a natural mathematic ability. In fact, she doesn't really care for math and is becoming quite a bibliophile. She loves science so I want her to have solid math instruction in case she chooses a stem pathway down the road. On the other hand, I don't want math to become a battleground of tears and frustration so I'm treading carefully.


If we are needing to make a change I'm wondering if we should make it before we hit pre-algebra and if not Horizons then what?


Sorry for my rambling!  Advice welcomed. Thank you!

Edited by Juliegmom
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I did horizons k-6. The pre-algebra had just come out when we hit that level. I opted to change then. I wanted to be sure the pre algebra skills were solid even if presented another way. They were!!! Mine did fine in a new program.


However, I have thoroughly looked through the horizon books and in hind sight wish I had stayed with it through pre algebra. My son didn't transition easily. Consider your child and if you can teach the material. If it is working why change??


I did not go back for algebra b/c I wanted a more traditional text. Again, one kid did not do well in this transition. My other is fine and liking a harder text.


Look them over and go with your gut. They are solid and offer the same topics in a format your child knows.

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We are using Horizons Algebra now.  If you are not strong in math, you might not want to use it.  The teacher's guides are not super helpful.  (My degree is in math, so I am okay with the Algebra, but it is easy to tell that it would be hard for someone whose math was not strong.)  It is a very solid course, though.


Similar situation for PreAlgebra.  It just depends on where you are and your comfort level.  Solid content, not great teacher help.

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My DS used Horizons 1-6, then we switched to Lial's Pre Algebra because I wanted more of a textbook with lessons, examples, and explanations. Pre Algebra really stretched our relationship, so we decided to outsource Algebra through a local class provider. DS is doing really well, he loves his teacher, and he's leaning how to be accountable for his lessons on his own. We will continue to outsource math for this reason.


I think Horizons was excellent preparation and I'm glad this child used it through 6th grade, but I'm also glad we switched to something else when we did.

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We are using Horizons Algebra now. If you are not strong in math, you might not want to use it. The teacher's guides are not super helpful. (My degree is in math, so I am okay with the Algebra, but it is easy to tell that it would be hard for someone whose math was not strong.) It is a very solid course, though.


Similar situation for PreAlgebra. It just depends on where you are and your comfort level. Solid content, not great teacher help.

Just curious what you plan to use for Algebra 2?

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Dd started with Horizon Algebra 1 but had to switch pretty quickly as it doesn't explain very well how to do the problems - I'm not great at math.

We now use tablet class (I follow along to relearn all I've forgotten) and it seems to be working out okay. We may use horizon for extra practice, as tablet class doesn't have many review problems.

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Just curious what you plan to use for Algebra 2?

Not sure.  We're doing Geometry next, and we'll be using Lifepac Geometry (I've already bought a few Geometries and I feel like Lifepac will work the best.  It's the same publisher as Horizons, Alpha Omega).  I may do Lifepac Algebra 2 or possibly just Abeka Algebra 2.  

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We did Horizons 1-6 and then switched to Math-U-See. I felt like the presentation of concepts and teaching style in Prealgebra wasn't going to be a great fit for my kids, and preferred to switch at Pre-algebra rather than later on. MUS turned out to be a great fit for us.


Merry, I've been reluctant to try MUS based on reviews I've read reviews. How would you compare the rigor of MUS compared to Horizons? BTW . . . I believe we may have mutual friend (a Sonlight mom). Lorinda and I are both homeschooling missionary moms in Albania and she is a dear friend. :)



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Merry, I've been reluctant to try MUS based on reviews I've read reviews. How would you compare the rigor of MUS compared to Horizons? BTW . . . I believe we may have mutual friend (a Sonlight mom). Lorinda and I are both homeschooling missionary moms in Albania and she is a dear friend. :)





That's awesome!


Actually, I felt MUS made things more understandable (I even picked up their DVD on fractions to expose my kids to the way MUS teaches these, and my kids found that helpful). My oldest asked why we didn't use it all along. (Kids! he wanted colorful pages and wasn't into manipulatives when he was 7!). The last two levels in Horizons that we used (5 and 6, but especially 6) sometimes seemed like they weren't very clear or seemed to take logical "jumps" in thought, and I was left filling in the gaps. When I looked at the Pre-Algebra, it seemed like the program was going to do that even more, and my kids (especially my oldest) really needed something more incremental, direct, and explicit. MUS filled all of that, and his ACT test scores put him in the top 20%, despite the fact that he dislikes math and has always struggled with it. (He used Pre-algebra, Alg 1 & 2, and Geometry). So, I was very pleased with how things went for him. My daughter is in Algebra 2 right now, has always loved math (she thought she wouldn't like changing from Horizons, but has excelled). She may go on in a STEM field, and I don't see any signs that MUS would hold her back in any way. I think it's given her a good, solid math foundation, and that she has good conceptual skills. I've read some negative MUS reviews, but have also read a lot of positive reviews. I suppose as with anything, that effectiveness may vary from student to student--but I'm pleased enough with the results that I sometimes do wonder if we should have used it all along (I have mixed thoughts because of the unusual scope & sequence for elementary). It also meets my needs as a teacher (I like to come alongside and support, explain things in different ways if needed, to work through problems if my kids get them wrong so I can understand their mistakes and help them. I'm active in their math daily, I watch the videos and discuss with them, but I don't really want to do the "bulk" of the teaching if that makes sense.)


Anyway, HTH some as you decide how to proceed!

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