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Working memory and processing speed difficulties

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If you have a child with a weakness in processing speed and working memory and it is affecting their abilities significantly do you think it is worth trying to improve the working memory? There seems to be a lot of controversy over whether it can transfer or not. I feel like in my child's case it might based on what I see but that could just be wistful thinking. The expensive options are not an option.

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My ASD child has impaired ranges in both working memory and processing speed. Our neuropysch said they will always be low but we can probably move them up a notch and it would make a significant difference. So yes, I think its worth working on. Sometimes it is a matter of working to improve while simultaneously working on compensation skills or strategies. 

Edited by MyLittleBears
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This is my very first reply ever :-)

My youngest 2 are adopted, both born addicted. One at birth tested positive for and addicted to several things, the other just 2 addictions. I say this to show the severity of the cases we have here and to encourage you :-)


Yes. I believe it it absolutely possible to improve those issues. We have them too. Lots of cheap memory games like use 3 cards only maybe at first n lay them face down on the floor n play the 'recall game' ( not official name, just what we call it ) . He looks at the cards, puts them back in place and ask him if he can find the 7. That kind of thing. Also from FLL you can use the poetry memorization , if he starts out able to memorize 2 words? ...awesome :) lots of encouragement and praise goes along way to motivate and give the confidence to move forward .

If you want to pm me to ask what else we've used feel free.

This type of thing has gone a loooooong way to improve both boys processing and memory.

Lots and lots of repition will be the name of the game. My boys are 9 and 11 and have improved tremendously .

The older has even started to sprout his wings and do more himalef :-). * happy tears*

Edited by Kat w
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Welcome and thanks for your reply!


I have games I thought were useful in my Amazon wish list to get for Christmas. It is good to hear you thought games were helpful. I like the card game you suggested because he will have to recall the position of the number and I can do that with all the kids together.

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I am giving Jungle Memory a try. It is much cheaper then other options and I figure it is worth a try. So far it was very challenging for him. I will look into other free or at least cheap options. His big struggle is the working memory aspects like the backwards number task, recalling things after a break or keeping multiple pieces of information at the same time.

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Thank you for your warm welcome :) I appreciate it.


Memory is huge here too. When be was in PS they did jungle memory. My oldest bad all spec ed classes. It did work...slowly . i think all works slowly then one day you see a huge breakthrough and go WOW! Is this really my child?


On the recall game and everything else...we use index cards and place stars on the line for every correct answer. Fill up a line or any predetermined amount and they get a dollar toy from the dollar store. It's amazing how a sticker/ star, what have you, excites and motivates them.


They work so hard for everything they get , its very comforting as a parent to see those ~aha~ moments.


To find a story or book or anything in words, and tell them what the word is or do orally , to memorize even one, two, or three words from a story they like? The smiles abound :) For them and mom. Attacking this from all angles seems to be extremely helpful if not key. Ie: numbers, words, pictures, seems to open up their minds more . which, helps with processing also.


I try to add in some fun painting about the story they may have memorized or workin on poem memory. It's a great motivator and....fun!! :)

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Sorry for two posts. Phone acting up.


Backwards numbers..oh my. We JUST now got the concept of it last week, let alone doing it. But , he is working and making strides.


The multiple peices of info...that's why I like memory peices from all avenues. Numbers, words ,pics, etc.

Seems to organize their minds better.


I have a link in my bookmarks for free and cheap memory work . I'll look for it tomorrow and try to post it.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I have now been doing jungle memory with ds for over 3 weeks. It seems like it might actually be helping him. There are 3 different games that work on different areas. He is doing poorly in the first game because you need to be fast. He is improving slowly and steadily for the second task and he is doing so well in the 3rd it bumped his age level. He started doing all three very poorly. I wish they had smaller increments between skills and I think the 3rd game will get too hard for him soon well before the 8 weeks are up. I wish there was a way to allow a younger kid to advance more without the math problems getting too difficult which I think they will.


He seems to be doing better in spelling and getting Cs instead of failing and he remembers more of the words he got wrong that come up later. He seems to be doing a little better overall in other areas too. It is too early to tell if it will keep up or is just a fluke but I do feel it is helping him and the combo of the low processing speed and working memory weakness along with inactive ADHD was really holding him back. I will try it with older dd when he is done with it. I wish they had a version that went down younger because my youngest also seems to have the same issues. I could not afford Cogmed but I do feel this can be helpful for some children and it is a much lower cost. I still have a few weeks to go so we shall

Edited by MistyMountain
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