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Don't ever sign a contract

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On a house that you walk through at 7:00 in the evening. Wait until midday so you can see how bad the carpet looks, how much painting has to be done, and last but not least how ugly the cabinets in the kitchen really are. And not to mention that the front porch is home to wood eating bugs, yet to be determined by the contractor who will be there on Mon. :eek::eek::eek:

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Wow, that's hard. I can totally relate though. I find it difficult to not react emotionally when making a large purchase. Luckily, my DH is more level-headed. We try to "sleep on a major decision" at least a couple of nights before signing on the dotted line. Of course, I'm a basket-case throughout the whole process with all of my "what-ifs."


Did your contract have a contingency for passing a home inspection? If so, you might find an out with the termite problem you noted.

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Did your contract have a contingency for passing a home inspection? If so, you might find an out with the termite problem you noted.



This is what I was thinking! ((hugs))


But, if the inspection goes well, there was something you liked about this house - right? Was the layout really nice? Was the neighborhood nice? We moved to a house last October that needed ALL new paint (after the wallpaper was removed!!:eek:), new flooring, new bathrooms, etc. But, it has ended up being absolutely wonderful for our family. The flow of the house is perfect and the neighborhood is perfect! I guess I'm saying that it still could work and it could be even better in the end because you get to put your tastes into it!



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Hugs to you. Try not to worry yet. Carpet is easy to replace, the cabinets can be painted, nobs added or you can even switch the doors. As for the wood eating critters, do you have some sort of pest inspection?


All contracts can be broken if you must. Buyers shock, panic or remorse is very common after signing a contract. Most houses come with their little quirks. Hope yours works out for the best. Do you have an agent? If you do call him or her.

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The house I loved went under contract while we were gathering info on utility bills.


I like the room sizes in the house, and it does have potential. It is slim pickings where we are headed. Everything was either way out of our price range or needs work. I guess we met in the middle.


The whole moving thing is taking it's toll. Dh says I need to be thankful that we can buy another house, and yes I do need to be more humble. :o

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The house I loved went under contract while we were gathering info on utility bills.


I like the room sizes in the house, and it does have potential. It is slim pickings where we are headed. Everything was either way out of our price range or needs work. I guess we met in the middle.


The whole moving thing is taking it's toll. Dh says I need to be thankful that we can buy another house, and yes I do need to be more humble. :o


We can get out if the damage is extensive. It's a foreclosure so we are dealing with the bank and our agent will try to get something worked out. Not easy to haggle with a bank.


Sounds like this house may actually be great in the long run (provided the bug damage isn't extensive!). There are so many homes in foreclosure right now - sounds like this is a great deal! We had a humbling experience buying our house too. (hugs)


Honestly, we LOVE, LVOE, LOVE our house and probably won't be finished with it for another two years. But our main living space is finished and we have the plans for the rest. Now to save the money!


Try to have fun with it! It could just turn out to be your dream house!

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